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Yammer Dan

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Everything posted by Yammer Dan

  1. Don't believe all the lies you hear on this place!!! The truth is "Brown Sugar" used to go thru some rough winters with no 2nd Gens to snack on so I figured out a way to help her out....
  2. Watch that spacer and washer when you pull axle and the way they fit in the wheel and with that bracket. Watch how that bracket goes.Not a hard job if you've turned a wrench a few times. Pull right muffler, watch spacer& washer, pulling rear end and greasing front of axle is a plus. Check brake pads as you will have caliper off. If wearing uneven swap them with each other. Will help get more life out of them.
  3. And less problems than all the others!!!
  4. Yep down here where there is NO SNOW!!!
  5. You were gone?? I know I'm not included in those Bums....
  6. Made my old bones remind me..WE DON"T DO THAT STUFF ANYMORE!!! Just ask the Warden...
  7. Sounds Good!!:clap2:
  8. Only walk I got on the beach this year was with Skid!! Something just ain't right there!!
  9. You threaten to buy a Hardley??
  10. Puc I think you must have been a State employee in a former life!!!:clap2:
  11. Fingers crossed!!
  12. Words can't do much at this time Mike but you and your Mon and family will be in prayers.
  13. CONFUSED DNA??? Welcome Home!! :clap2:You should fit right in....
  14. Had a great time. Your face when looking for Yammer was priceless!! Did you find him??
  15. They have been around for a while for hard to reach areas. I have sat poles with a chopper. Will keep you moving. Not a job for a smoker or a old man. Full blast up and down hills and thru the brush all day long!! Wish I could do that now. Wouldn't get 1st pole in the ground.
  16. There you go again Puc. Bail money hard to find this close to Christmas.
  17. So you a having Crab Monday night??
  18. I know Nothing!!!!
  19. I'm still hiding pretty good! :whistling:Ask Puc he knows me!!!:rotfl:
  20. :rotfl::rotfl: Stopping at Micky Ds was always fun while the convict in the back had his state furnished brown paper bag lunch!! One mystery meat sandwich and a apple.
  21. Our tax dollars at work.....:rotfl::rotfl:
  22. Dark out there where my extras are. And cold!!! I'll look tomorrow. This would be good because I have a couple that are unmarked. When I was down with leg Warden moved some parts for me. Those little slips of paper were trash!! I didn't have the heart to tell her it was what the part was and what it came from......
  23. Lowe's Gives Vets. Discount without hassle. home depotheads want to give it only on certain days and take 20 minutes to clear it then. I go to Lowe's for this reason.
  24. WHAT??What does that mean?? Have we been insulted??
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