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Yammer Dan

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Everything posted by Yammer Dan

  1. See what happens when obama gets in there!!
  2. Watched the last 100 laps. Good race!!
  3. That's a good sore to get you back into things!!:clap2:
  4. Yammer Dan


    Why did #88 get lucky again WHY??
  5. Nah Tom would have ratted him out by now unless he had his head buried in a bowl of Ice Cream and missed the whole thing!!!
  6. Getting some garage weather now. I get in a few extra when I'm out there!! Prayers up for today and sun still shining. I may get in another round.
  7. I just went thur that!! Had gotten so used to forgetting about it I shut it off on the 2nd gen....cranked battery dead. Once I learned to start that thing it starts up Great and Growls like it wants to get out!!!
  8. Number of IDIOTS to Priuses??? I think the IDIOTS win!! We sure got our share!!
  9. I would like to have the phone but cheapest rate they offered me was over 50 cents a minute.
  10. I watch as I go by the TV. Can't sit and watch the whole race I try to get in on the last few laps.
  11. Yammer Dan


    WHY does anyone care who owns Hokey??? WHY?? We used to throw them Cow patties in the garden and plow them under!! WHY??
  12. What Bob said!! AGM is the way to go. Earl can send it right to your door.
  13. We got it taken care of buddy!
  14. That glazed look??
  15. Yammer Dan


    Got a little more sunshine!! WHY???
  16. Are we related?? :rotfl:My Warden keeps telling me " I ain't going anywhere with you anymore!! You embarrass me!"
  17. Ask for the senior discounts yet??? Happy Birthday David!!!:clap2::Happy Birthday:
  18. Looking Good!! See ya soon.....
  19. Sea-Foam soak!! Heavy on the Sea-Foam.
  20. That was the way I thought it was supposed to be!! CONGRATS!!!:clap2:
  21. Prayers up today. With the wind we got going out there maybe they will get there a little quicker. I'll send a extra just in case.
  22. Yammer Dan


    I had to hurry and get home to find out WHY??? WHY what? WHY where?? WHY when??? WHY who?? WHY???
  23. Well that didn't take long and winter is still here.... Hairy critter back then.
  24. 200 HP?? Interesting but it sure is Fugly. Easy to clean on the outside.
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