Why was the big storm they threatened us with a Bust???
It didn't take its Viagra???
Why am I glad to see them wrong??
Why did it quit snowing and sun is shining!!
OK Its MONDAY AND JEFF SKIDMORE DON"T HAVE TO GET OUT OF BED WHEN THAT ALARM GOES OFF!!! NOW THATS RETIREMENT!!! No more Mondays!! But no more Fridays!!! Is that big enough??? And its winter and I had NOTHING TO DO!!
Bubber is closer than anyone!! There will be no more curtain climbers here unless Grand children!! It is a big move and will be a 1st for a long time for someone!! It will happen on MONDAY!!
With two Grandaughters running around here this evening I had to retreat to outside on the deck to get a few words in with the "Man". Cold out there!! But prayers on the way!!