This is Yammer in Myrtle on Earl's computer. Prayers up!! Having a great time and getting prayers in!! Earl, Skid andI doing some riding. Ride to Tenn. tomorrow may be a little damp. Prayers Up!!
Prayers up!! This is the warden checking in for Yammer. He did not want to miss a day of prayers on here for Skid.Praying for them both to get to Myrtle safe n sound and prayers for everyone else who is traveling today.
Been so long since I been in there I'm not sure about pieces. I used the wire on E-Bay with the plug ends already on them. When you put them in coils take a sharp knife and cut a X across the end of them to help getting them on post.
Put pieces back the way they flew out of there....
Add one more!! A regular diet of Sea-Foam holds back most of the crud this "New" fuel gives us. The junk really sucks!! I use Marvel Mystery Oil for regular maint. And Sea-Foam when I feel it needs a little extra. If it gets real bad BerryMan's Chem Tech.