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Yammer Dan

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Everything posted by Yammer Dan

  1. Warden wacking weeds again. Prayers Up!!!
  2. Prayers on the way. Tell her to listen to the docs now.
  3. Got a few in before skeeters ran me off deck this evening. Prayers Up!!!
  4. I'm thinking Dog Bones.........
  5. I was trying to get a pic of them up. Camera may not recover from this bounce off garage wall..... I gotta get a new camera!!
  6. STRAWBERRY!!! Just figured I'd have to watch the Hondas now.......
  7. Time for prayers while watching the Warden with that weedwacker this morning. Now my turn. I Get to ride! The Lawnmower!! Prayers Up!!!
  8. Well that does it!!! The next time I see a RSV in a accident I'm not checking on ya!!!
  9. Save all those little pieces. It can be fixed. Glad you are able to post about it!!Insurance??
  10. Got a few in riding the river road. Prayers Up!!!
  11. The trunk I'm thinking could have been repaired. Do you need it? I like the bike. The engine if properly taken care of is just about broken in.
  12. DIABOLICAL??? Is that catching???
  13. I'm working on the high notes!!I think I can keep them awake down at the pond!!
  14. WE could trade Tins & Plastic...Then you could take off into the Wild Blue Yonder with a Hi HO Silver!!!!
  15. Packing Swim Trunks??
  16. I'm going riding this afternoon but if one not found I'll look but anything extra I have may be like Jeffs with wear in bushing area.
  17. I like that!! Check title make sure not salvage. If salvage I don't know what I would go but that price not real bad if not. Someone has taken a lot of interest it that one. I don't think you would be unhappy with it if in good shape as it looks. If you weren't used to a trunk you wouldn't miss it.
  18. Whats a Redneck???
  19. Skid has been eyeing my Diamond cut bling!! Better watch where I park that thing....:whistling:Dog Bones next???
  20. A good soak will cure "most" carb problems. Here we go again. You will need: Sea-Foam: :Piece of fuel line about 18 inches long same size as on rear of fuel pump. About any cheap line will do. :1/2 Pint or so of fresh gas: :Set of small vise grips :Screwdriver to open drain plugs on carbs: :Container to mix Sea-Foam and gas. Mix about 2/3s can of Sea-Foam with about 1/3 fresh gas. I have done this with pure Sea-Foam but restarting is hard. I use vice grips to close off fuel line coming from tank because those old petcocks do not like to be messed with. Deal with that later but if your petcock works good just shut it off. If not here we go. Remove side panels to get at carbs. Find rear of fuel pump. On left of bike as you are sitting on it. Clamp off line going to rear of pump and rmove from pump. PLace your piece of line in it place. Leave for now. Take screwdriver and open all drain plugs and drain as much as you can from carbs. Drain screw is on bottom right corner of carbs as you face them on bike. Hopefully you will get something out of each carb. When you have them drained close them, Place line into Sea-Foam and turn on switch. You will hear fuel pump clicking. It should suck the Sea-Foam into the carbs. Let it cycle until you think carbs are full. Start bike and let it run a few minutes. Watch your mix and don't run out. When you are sure carbs are full of mix shut bike off. Rehook everything as it was. Don't restart now. Leave it sit at least overnight. I've left them 2 or 3 days. Won't hurt a thing probally helps. When you restart it will Cough.Smoke,Fart, Belch,Sneeze and a few other things. This has cost me a set of plugs at times. It will bring stuff out of there that will scare you. But after you get the Sea-Foam out I BET it runs better. I have done this several times on stubborn bikes. Using Sea-Foam as recommended with prevent 95 per cent of carb problems. I have used other mixes for this but Sea-Foam is safe and will not harm carbs. I use a mix of BerryMans Chem Tech, Sea-Foam and gas on really dirty ones and have used pure Chem Tech. Get it at Wally World.
  21. Check steering head bearings. And keep control. 900 lb machines not made to ride without hands!!
  22. Looks like I'm not only one awake!! Prayers Up!!!
  23. A good Sea-Foam soak has been known to resolve this. It takes time and doing it correctly. And I use a little more than Sea-Foam. But I'm not a expert. I just ride.
  24. That bike must be really really fast!! That's the only way I would call a man a liar. If I had a bike I could get away on!!! Of course we will just have to TAKE YOUR WORD FOR IT!!!!
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