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Yammer Dan

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Everything posted by Yammer Dan

  1. I threw a rag at mine. Might go for a ride today.....
  2. I had one for rear on Blue Beast. Shinko not sure of model #. Didn't last long.
  3. Got a few more in while packing stuff on bike...... Prayers Up!!!
  4. I saw a Blonde Ponytail!! Or maybe it was white..... I'll try and get another look!!
  5. Thanks Jack. Floating in the river?? We could just wait for tailgaters or Politicians!!
  6. I got nervous once holding a full M-60 with a full can hooked up.......
  7. Got a few in waiting for "New" VA Doc. This one seems interested in what is happening!!! Prayers Up!!!
  8. I have a unicycle!!
  9. I'm glad the Warden handles the washing around here!!!! Now if I could get her to wash the scoot......
  10. 3 And two of them were lost!!!
  11. :crying::crying:
  12. I have used it 2/3 Sea-Foam 1/3 gas. Have put full can to less than 1/4 tank. Helps with really cruddy carbs. Using full strength makes for hard restarting and could foul plug. Or throw a can of BerryMan's Chem Tech into 1/2 tank or so if carbs really need a good cleaning. Stronger than Sea-Foam but not as gentle on non metal parts. Can be used occasionally without harming anything.
  13. Got them in this morning waiting for daylight. Prayers Up!!!
  14. Good to go with ya Rick!!
  15. Wasn't that the ticket I told you I wanted.....
  16. Sorry Puc but I have to go with Jack here. I can do all that on a 1st gen but this damn 2nd Gen is another beast.
  17. I get to ride the Mower!!! And had biscuits & gravy.
  18. I remember my 1st trip to Vogel State Park. In the DARK!!! No GPS just map. Still beat everybody there!! Thought I was lost.
  19. Got them in this morning waiting for grass to dry out and thinking of Skid heading south. Prayers Up!!!
  20. I use both and tend to use front more than rear. This has gotten me in trouble more than once. I need to make a habit of using rear more when possible. The drop I had at McDonald's on the way to B2Dads this spring was wet sandy pavement in a tight right turn using front. On my bad leg. A FNG knows better!!
  21. Should be a good one. Be carefull Skid!!
  22. Yep!! That's the way I do it!!!
  23. Have fun!!!
  24. If ya see one with a pair of gloves shoot him once for me!!! Good Luck!
  25. Prayers up this evening watching clouds threaten. Prayers Up!!!
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