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Yammer Dan

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Everything posted by Yammer Dan

  1. Squirrel hunting with grandsons and Football!! Prayers Up!!!
  2. Busy day today. Prayers Up!!!
  3. I'll loan ya mine. When I find it.....
  4. Yep. Empty again!! You know when I'm going to be there don't ya.......
  5. On deck again. In the Fog!! Prayers Up!!!
  6. My 1st Gen has broken 50 MPG several times. NGK plugs and tuned right.
  7. I sure seen some good deals on a few Can Ams. And they don't fall down!!!!
  8. I know you didn't touch it but did you wipe it down? Could have had something on it ? Just a thought. If you got it at Wall-Mart they might replace it anyway. If receipt shows its only that old?? They do stand behind things. Fuse connectors good?
  9. Got mine in this morning while sitting on deck running hand over bald head!! Hair for winter or not??? Prayers Up!!!
  10. Opening That box.....You may never get to rest again!!!
  11. But ya see who has top spot!!!!!:rotfl: 1st Gens Rule!!!!
  12. You got a ways to go......
  13. I NEED to Stay Away from that thing!!!!
  14. Rest in Peace Chester Nez.
  15. Got a few in this morning waiting for Warden to show. Prayers Up!!!
  16. Been there done that too many times. Good Luck. Hope it works out for you.
  17. Empty last night when I checked in.
  18. Independent?? Or the Outlaw in me just won't die? I've laid him to rest more than once but lately it seems folks just won't let him rest.
  19. The "Man" and I been having a few words lately concerning my behavior. But I got in a few extra this early morning for my friend. I do believe he promised to listen to all prayers. And I believe "He" will handle this. Prayers Up!!!
  20. One I got now cracking so bad I won't go that way again.
  21. Hope you heal quickly. Glad you are here to post this. Don't cut her any slack. As already stated this one will be with you for a while. Good luck.
  22. That pain is one memory I don't want to revisit. Without the gear??
  23. Slept late this morning after that weekend. Bike unpacked and Prayers Up!!!
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