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Yammer Dan

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Everything posted by Yammer Dan

  1. The AGM usually are around 300 CCA Sky Doc has a good deal on one. Check him out.
  2. In our Prayers. Don't think I'm far behind you.
  3. In the garage digging for misplaced 1st Gen parts!! Prayers Up!!!
  4. Another long night. Prayers Up!!!
  5. Glad you are here to post it.
  6. Running?? From what??
  7. I just thought I might get a hug from Lonna!! Who is this Brad??
  8. Waiting for ice to melt. Prayers Up!!!
  9. I would have answered this yesterday but I was busy. Eating Ice Cream.
  10. The cracks won't leak. Paint them with liquid tape if the cracks bother you.
  11. I got almost 4k on 404s. 3700 I think it was and thread was hanging out.
  12. Gonna have to get these days & nights turned back around. But it does give me plenty of time for Prayers. Prayers Up!!!
  13. :sign yeah that:
  14. :sign yeah that:
  15. Cold out there!! Prayers Up!!!
  16. Dreams count??? CRAP!!!
  17. What everybody else said!!! Prayers Up Puc!!!
  18. Sea-Foam It!!! Hard the 1st time and use for Maint.
  19. Fill Master. Push pedal all the way down and trap it there somehow. forget how I did that. I think with long screwdriver under bike and weight on end of it to keep pedal trapped down. Leave master lid loose and leave sit overnight. This does the same as the tying handle in against handle bars. Air will work itself out. Call me if you don't understand this. There are several here that didn't believe this would work.
  20. At least she didn't take the scoot!!! :banana:
  21. I got a 750 engine I could put on one of those.....
  22. Sun shining again this morning. Prayers Up!!!
  23. Snow all gone. Prayers Up!!!
  24. My 56 Pan was nothing but headaches!! But it sure was purty!!!
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