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Yammer Dan

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Everything posted by Yammer Dan

  1. Hope you had a great one George!!
  2. We got about a foot!! Warming up next week??? Prayers Up!!!
  3. On my 3rd and the Warden is 12 yrs younger!! And she is a keeper.
  4. Still coming down. Everything is white it can quit anytime it wants. Prayers Up!!!
  5. Things are turning white again!!! Prayers Up!!!
  6. WET! WET! WET! Changing to ice or snow. Prayers Up!!!
  7. I have a favorite that stuck with me for quite a few years. Nothing to do with speed or riding. Have no reason for liking it so well but Ricky Nelson's "Patches" and several yrs later "Garden Party" was a good one but nothing matched "Patches"
  8. We ate ribs somewhere last summer?? Skid?? Can't remember. They were good but not great ones. Haven't had any Really good ones for a while unless I EAT AT HOME!!! The Warden does like to cook!!
  9. We at times had 4 -1st year players on the floor. 43 foul shots?? How much do you pay those Refs??LOL Congrats!!! See ya in the tournament!!:banana: Big Dance going to be interesting. I think we could shake anybody with that press.
  10. Not bad out there tonight. Prayers Up!!!
  11. Without both senior starting guards. I think it could get ugly but we will show up they won't let us send the girls team....
  12. Weatherman calling for snow tomorrow and Warden has docs appt. 60 miles away. Prayers Up!!!
  13. Ground Hog and Sausage. I've had my share of that!! Great stuff!! Prayers Up!!!
  14. Have a great one Don!!:Happy Birthday::Happy Birthday::Happy Birthday::Happy Birthday:
  15. Castrol about 12 bucks a gallon at Wally World. It really gets me how they put the word Motorcycle on things and triple the price!!!
  16. Weatherman Said Snow?? Sunshine and warm enough to go look in garage. Wonder if this weatherman and Flying fool are related??? Prayers Up!!!
  17. Castrol 20/50 for over 50 yrs. Never a oil related problem. Just change it as you should. Oil and Filter!! I have blown a couple engines with my habit of ignoring that silly Redline but I don't blame that on the oil. When it starts sounding like a Mad Bee its time to shift!!
  18. Yeah they are the Golden years!!! Somebody wants all the Gold you got!!!
  19. More White stuff on the way. Prayers Up!!!
  20. I can remember once when Mom took me to get stuck with a needle. They caught me about a mile away. Run me down with a truck. I had 1st Gen speed and staying power in those days!!
  21. Truman's Drive-In. In Charleston WV. 13 Hot Dogs for a Buck!! Yeah its been a while. After High School football practice I could eat 13 Hot Dogs. And they were Great!!!
  22. 152:banana::banana:
  23. Well we blew that one!! Top 2 Guards down and had to play Baylor and the striped shirts. Didn't have much chance/ If we don't get guards back the rest of season is kuput.
  24. Plenty of time for prayers since computer took 45 minutes to log on this morning?? Prayers Up!!!
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