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Yammer Dan

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Everything posted by Yammer Dan

  1. Realize now I really shouldn't have posted this til I found out what was going on but was sitting at computer when I got the call from doc to inform me that the X-rays I had taken this week showed multiple broken ribs!! Kind of shocked me and it just flowed right out my fingers!!! I bang my body around a bit. Always have always will but cain't remember banging it hard enough lately to break ribs??? More tests next week??? I guess they like my money???
  2. A check on fuel flow and go back from there if you don't have it. Kink in line or something silly like that??
  3. Have no idea. I go for scan this week after X-Rays found them. As I said I wasn't feeling great but?????
  4. The BLUE one!!!
  5. Of course you changed filter??
  6. Sure is a good looking bike......
  7. Not sure. I was having a little trouble and Doc says.." You got multiple broken ribs." I'm still trying to figure this one out!! I know I try to do things I shouldn't at my age (did I say that??) I really don't know what is going on just not perking as I should. I thought I knew a little about broken bones. Don't have the major soreness you should have with broken ribs but as I said not perking too well. Leg is giving me fits. Bike is almost ready to go??? I'm looking at that 1st Gen in the corner.......
  8. Planted Grass (the wrong kind) and flowers. Sun is shining. Prayers Up!!!
  9. Talked to him not long ago. Seems to be doing good!!
  10. WAs up there Tue didn't see that. Wasn't looking really just checking out dam.
  11. No I wrestle a 2nd Gen!! :backinmyday:I still ride a 1st Gen!!!
  12. Doc informed me!! Multiple broken ribs!! MD may be in cage....... I ain't got a clue!!
  13. What would be the Fun in that???
  14. Working on driveway and planting grass. Prayers up!!!
  15. While we are in this what do you use for tire pressure guage?? I have 3 or 4 and all read different.
  16. Crossed a few one lane ones today. In the cage!!
  17. Another late one. Prayers Up!!!
  18. Oh I had plans.
  19. What kind of Idiot is in the Garage cleaning at 2:30 in the morning??? Prayers Up!!!
  20. Pay her back???
  21. A very strong dose of Sea-Foam may foul a plug. If the plugs weren't firing Sea-Foam won't bring them back. Time for new plugs.
  22. Guess that thread got booted. Can't find link to 84. Did someone snatch it up??
  23. Could be a good 2nd gen replacement Puc?
  24. I can clean a 1st Gen in 1/3 the time it takes for a 2nd Gen!! Prayers Up!!!
  25. Getting some garage time in. Prayers Up!!!
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