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Yammer Dan

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Everything posted by Yammer Dan

  1. Yeah you are going o slow him up considerable.......
  2. Packing ?? More or less? Those Bubs do bark pretty good. Should I fill the space for the packing as much as I can or just one layer around the baffle??
  3. Got some alone garage time this morning. Plenty of time for- Prayers Up!!!
  4. Had big discussion with 4 yr old granddaughter yesterday about getting old and dying!! Some of the things they come up with..... Had to promise it wouldn't be for a long time. Now gotta work on keeping my word!!
  5. As Jeff Says be very carefull with acetone.. It does work better than anything but also doesn't take much of it to damage plastic.
  6. Since I rarely get on here anymore and hardly ever post I wouldn't miss it much..... Seriously riding days may have a end to them in another 10 yrs or so but I got a lot og parts to play with in the garage......
  7. Good day with Warden and Granddaughter running around Yard Sales. Prayers Up!!!
  8. Now there ya go claiming I snore again...
  9. Sandman getting lazy again. Prayers Up!!!
  10. I'm tinkering with "Silver" a little and ordered packing for the Bubs the other day from stainlesscycle. Got it in just a few days but it didn't appear to be as much as I ordered. I ordered 2- 12" x 16" x1 pieces. When it arrived I had a matt about 12"x16" x 1& 1/2 " Kind of though maybe the way the stuff is that I was supposed to separate it. I E-Mailed them that I was a little disappointed and they replied- Whoa We goofed other piece is in the mail!! They already had my money and wasn't much I could have done about it. Good to see there are still some good folks out there. Now for that stupid rev limiter...... stainlesscycle give them a try. stainl_gwi3395laf@members.ebay.com
  11. I cain't spare the 5 bucks so you might have to prove it........... I been tinkering with "Silver"
  12. Say it ain't so!! I just put a Mettzer or whatever on the rear of "Silver" and been hearing nothing but bad since I got it on. I cain't afford to do another New one this year.
  13. Just one 2nd Gen and its all over........
  14. Whats this No Snoring Crap??? I just dream of Riding with those Bubs!!!
  15. Repacking Bubs. Not enough material.......Prayers Up!!!
  16. I read Pucs to Brown Sugar. She was still chuckling when I left the garage..... I heard something like "Let UGLY" take care of the light work!! I'll be here when it gets serious.....
  17. I been doing my part. Keeping that 1st Gen and 2nd Gen in the garage with the lights out all winter.. You would think they would want to warm up a little..........
  18. I'll be at the Pond Plaza in the Red Roof Inn.....
  19. Off for more polishing material. The life of a 2nd Gen Owner. Prayers Up!!!
  20. WAy to go Barry. I have never recorded one.
  21. Yep!! Its in there somewhere....:bang head:
  22. Foggy this morning on the deck. Prayers Up!!!
  23. Warden has Lawn Mower key!!! I'm going to the Garage!! PRAYERS UP!!!
  24. We got a Rep to uphold....or was that a shovel to lean on??? State Employees do get a bad rep but all I can say is come try my job. Oh that's right I don't do anything do I. :banana:
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