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Yammer Dan

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Everything posted by Yammer Dan

  1. Going to hear a band tonight. Warden's cousin and "County Line." Going to be LOUD!! Prayers Up!!!
  2. 2nd Gen a Hannigan? 1st Gen hard to find.
  3. Neighbors having a party. Gonna be a Long night. Prayers Up!!!
  4. Somebody make up their mind!! I done had 3 naps today!!:bang head:
  5. I've always said Hardley makes their bucks from accessories cause the bikes cain't be worth that much......Tater,Tater,Tater.....A Hillbillys Hardley!!
  6. Hey Kat. Could you package up just a little of the determination it has taken for this and send it my way??? Congrats girl!!!
  7. And I went and took a extra nap for nothing??? That's what I get for trying to help!!!
  8. Negatives for 89 Gold Wing?? I found a Wing Trike not far from me and thought about taking a look. Dude swears it looks like new but what problems did the 89 have? Is that the one that you have to pull engine to fix oil leak? Or stator? He claims "Easy Ride" steering , Air suspension, Intercom system. Not sure what type of Trike. Wondering if I should go look. Asking price of 11k is Too much. If he wouldn't drop a good chunk I would be walking away pretty quick? Think it's worth a look??
  9. Might be time to consider a 2nd Gen Jeff???:innocent-emoticon:
  10. Skid still soaking up salt down there and hunting shark's teeth. Prayers Up!!!
  11. I'm saving my pennies....
  12. Most important thing is Don't SIGN anything too quick!! Find out what she has in the way of insurance.
  13. Off to another doc. Prayers Up!!!
  14. hope she hasgood insurance buddy Make the bitc$ pay
  15. Could take a tour of my old hangout in Moundsville WV. And I could provide the ghost stories that go with it. One from personal experience.....
  16. 44 degrees out there this morning. Prayers Up!!!
  17. Carefull they don't keep you.....
  18. Don you letting "them guys " in again??? They Eat a LOT!!!
  19. Yammer Dan


    Just be Quiet!!!
  20. I turned away from him and walked away. A very hard thing for me. I even stopped once when that voice in my head asked me " What's the matter you scared??" I can understand now where that thought came from. I believe the book says " Get thee behind me." Not doing what I wanted to was harder than doing it. Maybe I am learning something. I have been shown the power of prayer several times. He made me too proud to be willing to bend my knee to anything. Must have been a reason I just haven't figured out yet.
  21. Grandaughter to doc with sore arm from softball. Prayers Up!!!
  22. The Heat is on. Prayers Up!!!
  23. The words he used were "You are wasting your time. God does not hear your prayers." I walked away. Not trying to start a religious thing but wish I had followed my instincts and left him praying for relief from the pain in his jaw. It just caught me at the wrong time and really ticked me off. Thanks for the advice. I'll try to grow up. And when I say Prayers Up!!! it means I have taken the time to do this and if he wants to try and stop me its on him!! Prayers Up!!!
  24. The one in front of me!!!
  25. HAD A GUY TELL ME THAT IF I WASN'T A BORN AGAIN CHRISTAIN I WAS WASTING MY TIME THAT GOD DIDN'T HEAR ME. With THE TONE OF VOICE HE USED AND THE WAY HE LOOKED AT ME I CAME REAL CLOSE TO SHOWING HIM HOW MUCH OF THAT LEFT HOOK I HAVE LEFT!!! I had only asked him to put in a word for the Skidmaster. I didn't need him tearing my dreams down and beating me over the head with them. PRAYERS MUST COME FROM A BORN AGAIN CHRISTAIN THAT HAS NO SIN OR GOD DOESN"T HEAR THEM??? Sorry Skid, I was doing my best. Maybe I should have used th left HooK!! I,ve seen the results it gets!! I intend to continue my prayers and requests for praters here til the boss shuts me down. Just wanted a few opinions on it. And since you are here you can add a short prayer for this deamon to be completely gone next time!!! We ask this I God's Name tonight for out friend Jeff Skidmore. AMAN!!! Little hot when I cranked this one out boss. If anything is wrong with it do what you must but this one comes from the heart. PRAYERS UP!!! I
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