I've thought a lot about this one also. Several times asked myself "When did you become a coward??" because I walked away. This man would not have wanted to meet me a few years ago. I think I have realized that maybe the "Man" had a little something in this one. I talk to him every day but I'm afraid I've been thinking too highly of myself. Without his help could I have walked away? NO! There are probably going to be times when he will expect me to still be "me" but that is not what he wanted out of this one. Walking away this time was right. Nothing I could say to him would have made sense to him because in his opinion I didn't know what I was talking about. Can only hope he reads the book again. AND STAYS AWAY FROM ME!!!
Don't wory Puc. That bell won't drown out the snoring that seems to come from the area close to where I camp. Gonna find out who that is one of these days....
Thanks Don. I had something I might like to do this time. Remove the leveling links and drop the front about a inch. The leveling links are simple and I know I could do the front end but a little expert help and a extra set of hands might be helpful doing that???:think: