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Yammer Dan

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Everything posted by Yammer Dan

  1. Now that Puc has mentioned it I guess I will pull te plugs from "Silver" just to make sure I can!! :bang head:I gotta quit reading this stuff!!
  2. Hey!! I got better Air than that!! Glad you weren't hurt. That is Scary!!
  3. I have used Castrol 20/50 since I started riding ( a few days ago) and never a oil related problem.
  4. Start ups are what wears a engine more than anything but Rust??
  5. Another Hot one coming. Prayers Up!!!
  6. Once again I beat Skid Home!!!
  7. Heat again today. Be careful riding home. Prayers Up!!!
  8. Cut that out!! You better check that tree its sure to have came out on the short end of that one......
  9. Feed it a little better and it Got frisky!!
  10. Hot out there. Prayers Up!!!
  11. Skidster having fun at Vogel. Prayers Up!!!
  12. I Knew that was coming!!!:bang head:
  13. Just because you started them off wrong don't mean they have to stay that way.....
  14. Glad no one was hurt!! Could have been a lot worse.
  15. All those headed out this morning be Safe!! Prayers Up!!!
  16. 'm thinking a good 2 gal can in the trunk?? Cure need for extra tank??
  17. Spending that big of a chunk hurts around here with this Retirement thing. I feel I'm taking away from the Warden. And she deserves it as much as I do or more for putting up with me. What could I leave off that list on their site that I could do myself?? Do I need reverse? I think I do need boards. Going to have to look again.
  18. Doc just called and canceled my appt for this morning. Had I know that I might have....... :bang head: probally not. Ride Safe this morning guys. Extra Prayers Up!!!
  19. Be a nice morning for a ride. Prayers up!!!
  20. Ride safe you Lucky Varmits!!! I'm gonna miss ya.....
  21. Gotta split Faring. Prayers Up!!!
  22. Bears??? No idea what you are talking about!!! Dillard House???:95:
  23. It don't look good for the 1st member that showed up at the 1st Vogel......
  24. I got plenty of time for prayer since I'm still doing a lot of sitting. Prayers UP!!!
  25. Got bar hooked up. Now all that is left is the driving light and the left signal light burns all the time? Signals work as they should but the left one burns like a marker light? Does this mean right bulb is bad?
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