185 Bob? I'm impressed!!! Great job!! I'm right about where you started. I don't think I have as far to go. I did have some muscle Once! I think I was at my best around 195. Had a 32 waistline then. Lifted 5 to 7 days a week and WALKED that yard. With this leg I can't see getting back to that but something needs to change!! I went up to around 252 a few months ago and have changed things a little. I'm starting to quit making excuses for not going to gym. I'm doing upper body and avoiding the leg mostly. Need some good exercises for my neck. I can barely look over my shoulder. VA Doc said it is done. Took MRI and Wanted to know when I broke it. IT AIN'T DONE Bitc*!! She told me to stay away from the weights. Wrong again. Before you all jump me to listem I know my body and I'm going to do this!!! I csan do the gym part but am very weak on the food part. The Warden is a great cook and a Old School girl. She loads my plate and brings it to me!! ( Yeah I know I'm Spoiled) And I wouldn't change that for anything!!! "185" again Bob I'M IMPRESSED!! Congrats!!! I'm thinking my goal is 200 with the gym playing its part. We shall see.