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Yammer Dan

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Everything posted by Yammer Dan

  1. I've sat in old " Sparky" Bill. Had lunch there a couple times.
  2. Did ya have ta mention all the chores that need caught up!! Dang it, better git busy!!
  3. the sweet sound of a Yammy V-4 when it hits about 6 Grand
  4. Wait a minute Carl I'll go with you!!!!
  5. guys on 1st Gens that I cain't seem to shake!! I'm thinking if we cross the ocean we can get rid of them for a while.
  6. Put a piece of Duct Tape on it.... :banana:
  7. Fingers Crossed til Thur. Prayers Up!!!
  8. that the 1st Gen was still gaining on them and was now even with the rear wheel and the Rider seen about ready to shift it out of 3rd Gear
  9. Put a big grin on Jonas's face when Gretta passed that info along
  10. Dang!! I told ya I hit hard this time......
  11. That is a good idea. I thought of it once while going down the road but never followed up on it. Could be my answer. This thing gats so cold its really pretty painfull.
  12. Quiet today. Prayers Up!!!
  13. My problem is on the other end. On my bad leg the foot freezes. When in the house I will wrap it or sit and massage it to keep it warm. A sock that could keep it warm and wouldn't tie me to bike would be nice.
  14. :sign yeah that: Master Full, Tie the handle in against the handlebar and leave sit overnight. Lid must be loose or better off if you can cover so nothing gets in it. You will have clutch next morning.
  15. Texas or West by God or California out there in earthshaker country. Might be possible to find one but getting them to part with it he knew he would have to ask Eileen to step in as his trading skills were somewhat rusty
  16. Prayers still going up for Beth. And both of you Kenny.
  17. This is a clue that her Mother has fixed something really good for supper. Better get it in gear or you are going to be late!!!
  18. Watch football. Look over the Warden's List. Watch Football. Pretend to hunt tools to complete item on Warden's List. Watch Football...I got this.....:Avatars_Gee_George:
  19. if he could just find a good 1st Gen engine for his project. It had to have the Best!! And he knew...
  20. Football Sat. Prayers Up!!!
  21. I keep Sea-Foam in reserve now for problems. For Maint. I use a good Diet of Marvel Mystery Oil. Marvel works fine to keep the fuel system clean. BerryMan's Chem Tech does a good job on really needed clean-ups. Find it at Wally World close to the Sea-Foam at a bunch less on the price. I don't like to use a Lot of the BerryMan's as it seems a harsher cleaner but for really needed cleaning it is great. Give it a shock treatment of BerryMan's and then keep it purring with the Marvel Mystery.
  22. Making a effort to get this old body in shape for another season on 2 Wheels. I found a list of measurements that were taken back in the days when the gym was a everyday thing. 6 inches gone from my chest. 5 inches gone from arms. Add those togather and they still don't make the 14 inches GAINED on my waist!!! I think my head got in the way of the Trike thing. We shall see. Maybe I can make the next MD.
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