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Yammer Dan

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Everything posted by Yammer Dan

  1. Winter getting in last kick? Prayers Up!!!
  2. Doc appointment are a 60 to 100 mile trip or further for us. With both of us trying to make the Docs richer last couple years we eat out when driving that far. With the Docs meetings piling up we may have to revert to grabbing a pack of Oscar Myer and a loaf of bread!!! I'm getting tired of seeing STUPID Doctors!!!
  3. Doc appointment are a 60 to 100 mile trip or further for us. With both of us trying to make the Docs richer last couple years we eat out when driving that far. With the Docs meetings piling up we may have to revert to grabbing a pack of Oscar Myer and a loaf of bread!!! I'm getting tired of seeing STUPID Doctors!!!
  4. Got that done on Facebook this morning!!! But HAPPY BIRTHDAY BOSS!!!
  5. Looks like that should keep ya from being so full.....for a while!!!
  6. I think Sam's Club used to have the Simple Green. I got a gallon from somewhere.
  7. Ate Chinese tonight!! That's supposed ta be healthy ain't it??? Sure was Good!! But I don't eat the Rice!! Anybody that's seen a Rice Paddy that can stomach rice?? I try to eat it and I Smell a Rice Paddy!!!
  8. Congrats Carl!!! And Snyper 316 yeah it do make ya old!!! When my 15 yr old Grandaughter made me have to reach down and get a little extra in our Hand to Hand play last fall I had to admit I might be getting O..... Nah its just that I'm too good a teacher!! That gal is gitting dangerous!!!! 5' 3" 125 lbs of pure Dynamite!!!! ENJOY Carl!! Just be carefull what ya teach her!!!!
  9. Only 3 things a Plumber needs ta know: 1. Hot is on the Left. 2. Cold is on the Right. 3. Crap won't run uphill!! I was starting to understand Puc!! Thought he had something there!! Now that's SCARY!!!!
  10. For a few years while my Gall Bladder rotted away I had to avoid anything with any spice at all!! Having a great time rediscovering my CAST IRON BELLY!!
  11. Rural King has Sea Foam 5 bucks a can!! And a gallon for 43 I think. Best prices I've seen for a while. I've gone away from using as much of this as I used to do because of them wanting ta git rich!! If I have a motor that is acting up BerryMan's is the way to go. A great cleaner not Too harsh. I still like using Sea Foam for Maint. I buy a gallon every spring and mix up my special cleaner and just add when I feel like it to keep them clean!! Keeping them clean sure saves a LOT of Headaches!!
  12. Ate at Ryan's tonight. All you can stuff down your neck for one price!! I got my money's worth....
  13. Supposed to get cold again and I got 200 mile trip to Doc today!! Prayers Up!!!
  14. It's WINTER & Colder than the Warden's heart out in that garage!!!:Avatars_Gee_George: Gotta have some entertainment!!!:banana: That is kinda Purty.....
  15. Buy some BerryMan's Chem Tech and give it a shot. Then run that old fuel out before you worry much.
  16. Maybe the pieces washed on to that great beyond?? Clean up and run some water thru there to see how things are flowing?
  17. Better git it in gear!! I cain't hold my breath like I used too!!! Sounds like you got a good idea of where you are going just keep fingers crossed for condition of pipes under and hope for simple break!!!
  18. Rain!! Off to city for Doc's appt. Prayers Up!!!
  19. Just looking to see where I would list a new ride....... Some kind of animal is coming out of that garage this spring!!!! Or going in??
  20. "EAT THE WHOLE THING!!" Yep now I'm getting it.......
  22. :ignore::ignore::hihi:;)
  23. It is on my list for my next one!!
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