I like Collage Basketball. I remember working and trying to catch the scores or a few minutes of the game on somebody's radio!! During those years I spent patrolling the Yard the convicts would tune their radios to the game when My WVU Mountaineers were playing as I made my rounds! Or the ones that wanted to show how bad they were would have Rap blasting. After a little discussion this usually changed. But Retirement does have it good points!! I get to sit and watch that Big 65 inch screen while my Mountaineers whup SleeperHawk's Jaybirds!!!! Might even sneak in a few minutes of Kentucky spanking Bama!! We going to the big dance this year and if we play as we can we could go Deep!!! Not bad for a school that I heard a few years ago couldn't hang in the Big 12. I'll give it a couple more years before we take our place at the top of the Big 12 and put those Posers in their place!!!
Coming For Ya SleeperHawk!!!:mugshot