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Yammer Dan

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Everything posted by Yammer Dan

  1. The Dope smoking Idiot that blindsided me was very quick to yell "I Didn't See Him!!!" Headlight and Driving lights were ON!! After the accident when someone mentions this it wasn't him. He doesn't know what they are talking about!! He told me this his self once and I had gave my word to the owner of the place that I would do nothing before I ask him about the accident. I told him then that the next time I caught him I'm was going to Bust his Head!!! He Moved!!I've seen him twice and he gets out of sight quick!! I Love It!!!
  2. And with those chunks of ICE in the river.......
  3. I'll try the new mask tonight. Couldn't sleep at the center very well. I guess they are going to change the machine out too.
  4. I actually ran a mile the day before I got this leg in 6 min 12 seconds. Not too shabby for a old man. Had Deputy Warden watching and he pointed it out to incoming class of kids mostly in their 20's. No one beat me. Them days are over.
  5. I was called Stupid for doing this. That won't happen again. I mix Marvel Mystery, Sea Foam and Berryman's Chem Tech. I mix it in about equal amounts. Works great for me. And cuts down the price of SeaFoam if you figure the long range plan. I buy the SeaFoam when they put it on sale by the gallon and now that we have a Rural King I can buy it all in the large containers which is usually a lot cheaper. Now my secrets are out!!! I use this when I know they are dirty. I use SeaFoam and Mystery Oil about equal amounts to keep them clean.
  6. Basic Training and truckloads of ammo burnt. No ear protection at all. Probally didn't help my hearing!! Fire fights no where near as loud! VA doc say Ya cain't prove it was combat related!! Not trying to IDIOT!!!
  7. Racers look like they should be in it!! Have they played a full court Press Defense?? Press Virginia on the way West!!
  8. Rural King's 5 bucks looking good! A gallon at 43.00 is the best I've seen in a while.
  9. I'll bet the Parkway would be really nasty in snows like this. I came up I 79 about 30 mph this morning in places. Never got over 45. In town it was 15 mph.
  10. In 1967 I ran a mile in 4 min 30 & 8/10 seconds........ now 4 hrs & 30 min!! AIN'T Swimming with NO GATERS!!!!
  11. :sign yeah that: WE have lost a few NAPA's around here in the last few yrs and I'm sure that had a lot to do with it Bob.
  12. Did the Sleep Study thing again last night. They claim it is Severe now? Can no longer use C Pap must use Bi Pap?? I got this crap in 2013. Tried for a year to use it. Really tried!! Could not get used to the thing. Too much noise and never fit right!! Called them in 2014 and told them I could not use. They told me they would be out next week to see why. Still waiting for that visit. They did another Sleep Study last night and tried the Scare tatics. Claim it is really bad. The mask I used last night was a lot better than the old one and I did sleep for a few hrs. What the Hell is a BiPap?? How many we got putting up with this Torture Machine?? Good think is the VA picks up the bill for this one!! I did drop my machine off the back crossing the Tenn. River at about 70 mph. Still blows!!!
  13. You are 100 per cent right Jeff. I used to swim a lot but have just about quit. And I live right on a river that is still in great shape for swimming!! But its better than a mile to that bridge.... RandyR may have a point there.....
  14. :sign yeah that::sign yeah that:
  15. YEP!! Buy More AMMO!!!!
  16. I give them a little shot in each tank during riding season.
  17. If WVU & Marshall make it thru the 1st round they play each other!!! We got a easy one 1st round:innocent-emoticon: not sure about Marshall..... I would wish ya luck RDawson but.......
  18. Director of gym stopped to look me over as I was working out last night. Said you just showing off now ain't ya....
  19. Woke up 60 miles away from home!! SNOW!!! Prayers Up!!!
  20. Got a 20 min call from him today. Seems in a lot better spirits today. 29 days til court. He gets a little info from wife. One of the major witnesses that claimed she saw it all took off to Florida and claims she ain't showing for court. Pukes wife has new man. Shyster still hasn't talked to him. I think this could be major. They have told him nothing since day 1. But I have yet to see a honest judge in WV for about 40 yrs. I've been warned off the ridge again. Really skeered.
  21. And yes Brown Sugar is a 1st Gen.
  22. Waiting for the Big Dance now. WV got two teams in there this year. WVU & Marshall. 1st time for Marshall in 31 years. Them boys can play. They might knock off somebody!!
  23. Warden swears recipes are a waste of time. She uses the pinch of this dash of that method. Must be pretty good I was about 175 when she took over my kitchen. I guess if I got rid of her I could loose........and starve!!!!
  24. Marvel great stuff for maint. On sale at Rural King. Use per directions That's a store I git lost in.
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