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Yammer Dan

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Everything posted by Yammer Dan

  1. Puter down again Posting from I Pad. Hate this thing! Prayers Up!!!
  2. Sounds like Eileen is being a Trooper about it. Not wanting to just quit. Hope it works for her.
  3. Puter working!! Prayers Up!!!
  4. Pellet Gun head shot no more tree Rat!!!
  5. I ain't got a clue but puter working 1st time in a week thought I had to say Something!!!
  6. Computer down. Internet down!! Prayers Up!!!
  7. puter been down and i come on to see this!!! Hope you get to feeling better Eileen. I'm sick of hurting. Just no fun at all!!!
  8. But I get 25 MPG!!!
  9. I think ya passed 35 on a 1st Gen and 35 is way back there now!!
  10. Guess I'll take my 4 banger Ranger and go Home!!!
  11. What did I do??? I'm always getting blamed for something!!!!
  12. Prayers Patty. Just take it easy for a while Them bones don't heal like they did when you were 16. Now that you are over 21 they take a few days longer. Make Don do the lifting!!!
  13. I'm pretty sure the brackets by Carbon One kept mine from being totaled last year!!
  14. Keep throwing those 25 cent words around we ain't gonna know what is going on.... I think we need a rule with 12 !/2 cents being the limit!! Us Indians cain't handle that high brow stuff!!! It ain't the age its the mileage that catches up with ya!! I'd like a Redo on a few of them miles!!
  15. I'll just stay here in "Almost Heaven"
  16. MIRRORS??? If ya wanna see the 1st Gens look the other way. In Front of you!!! Yeah I know......
  17. Running bout 1/2 speed this morning. Prayers Up !!!
  18. Up late or Early Riser?? I ain't sure which anymore. Prayers Up!!!
  19. What kind we eating???
  20. Could swing by the fools and wreck that machine.......
  21. Truth is I can't afford to do a lot of them anymore. Obusturd has bout ruined me. And the Warden decided she wanted a bigger place and spent my savings!!! I have to eat a Micky Ds a lot more. Good thing is I like Micky Ds. A little at a time!!! :bang head:As you said LIFE!!!
  22. OK Skid we are waiting on that report!! Prayers Up!!!
  23. State Road crews back. I think I'll cry:95:
  24. Health is a big thing and pockets not as deep. I would like to go to every one but don't feel right showing up in cage. Bike is almost ready to go and has been for months. I just ain't finished it??? Not real sure I'm gonna make anymore right now life is getting in my way and its full of MUD!!
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