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Yammer Dan

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Everything posted by Yammer Dan

  1. Warden fixed me a Hot Dog...Puny little thing.
  2. Congrats!! Enjoy!!
  3. Tried the Plast-X Bro. Works great on fine scratches. What I'm looking for is something that will make a piece look good after a few miles in the brush and mud. Mostly just getting color back I think. Its not gonna look new. The mud stains it up and soap and water just don't do it. Wash it and it looks fair til it dries and those stains just come right back.
  4. Mud stains? Keep coming right back. Been using a cheap sub for Armor All it just take 3 or 4 applications. Not so cheap and lot of work.
  5. Or just someone who cleans more than I do. OK Everybody!!! Really I got a few cleaners but cleaning $-Wheeler is a pain. These Plastics get a little scratched and muddy. Wash them they still look bad. What can you use on scratched up plastic?? Most of it is the black trim but all of it is hard to clean. Wash the Black plastic and when it dries the mud stains show right back up.
  6. If I could turn back those hands it would be before Windows 10 forced itself on my computer. Or maybe before Computers!! I could handle convicts fine without a computer!! Sorry Rick but this has been a real pain and I can see nothing but money scam. I did nothing to start this but tell them I didn't want them......I may have cussed Obama a few times. Reckon he is watching???
  7. I don't go to Church. Dad was a Preacher so its not that I don't believe. I was 18 yrs old before I missed the 1st day of Sunday School. I talk to God every day. I better shut up.
  8. I didn't Upgrade. Was Hijacked in the middle of the night after I told it NO a bunch of times!! Has been nothing but Trouble!! I'm glad it works for you but Hate the POS!!
  9. Mild ??? Brown Sugar cain't even spell Mild!! Did they make 2 different 86s??? I got a V-Max rear on the shelf. Skeered of it!!
  10. Sorry Rick. WINDOWS 10 SUCKS!!! And slow as dial -up!! Where is the better part???
  11. I Got a Computer!! Prayers Up!!!
  12. Just got in. By using the same password that I had entered countless times!! No clue what was going on. Security warning for trusted sites pops up 3 times when I try to go to anything but I'll work on that. No Clue?? Thanks for all the help!! Microsoft can Kiss My ***!!! I knew I was entering the right password but it kept saying No! Why did they change their mind?? I had thought about just paying the 30 bucks???? WINDOWS 10 SUCKS!!!
  13. This Pat!Aka The Warden. My computer itself is not password protected. There was a setting in win 10 that said you can set win 10 to login without a password. It has a a box to check to set password for every login. It said uncheck then restart and log in again. Only thing is I think it rechecked itself for security purposes. So now the welcome screen asked for email address and password. Which does not work. It keeps saying wrong password. I have tried to reset his password 4 times. I have gave all the info I can remember on his hotmail account. They said its not enough info to reset it they want more info. Like emails he has sent... he does not send emails. So I call them yes it says its the wrong password every time we log in. Yes we can help for $30 we will get you logged back in. I have googled ( can not login in to win 10 not reconizing the password) seems like a few others are having the same issues. I have tried safe mode No go, it still keeps taking us back into the welcome screen to login. I have unplugged it left it over nite unplugged. Tries alt,ctl,delete. Nothing
  14. None of this is on my computer as I can NOT access it. It is password protected. The only access I have is this I pad . They are asking for my microsoft account password. When i give it they say wrong password . I know better. Have tried all thay I have ever used. I can not access my computer for another 48 hrs because I tried too many times . When I callled microsoft they wanted 30 bucks to get around this . For what?? My password that I know I have entered?? The password to my microsoft account is what is missing so they claim. I know I have tried all different ways in which the words I have used can be used.
  15. Over 30 days made mistake of thinking I could get used to it. Didn't expect this attack. Itwasnot a matterof meloosing password it wasmatter ofthemsaying§ I did!! I knowwhat ypassword was. Theyjust want moneysotheychange it. Space bar on this thing is a idiot. Can't figure out how to go back wirhout loosing text
  16. I also did NOT download win 10! I was hijacked in the middle of the night. Not enough computer oriented to go back! SOBs just playing money game now. I will never get used to I Pad. And refuse to.
  17. Maybe I quoted that wrong. It wasn't popup with the 30 buck offer just when I tried to get password they offeredto give it to me for 30 bucks. I am 99 per cect sure I Know what password was or close to it. They will not accept any varation of this . I'll bet you I've entered my password. Total scam from these Lowlife B##### I'll try to keep track of this site but am not going to pay!! In their left ear!!!
  18. Windows 10 still trying to rob me. Prayers Up!!!
  19. Venture?? I ain't sure I still got one.......
  20. Windows 10 got me. Out of the blue they wanted my password. Gave. they replied that wasn't it. gave allvarations that I have ever used! No go! Miscrosoft pops up with 30 buck offer to give me my password my keying is even worse than usual because I'm using Warden's I Pad. I will not pay for my password so I will not do this on a I Pad I will check in but refuse to pay a scam like they are trying. Enjoy!! See ya when Iget thru this robbery!!
  21. Yammer Dan


    Yeah a puc don't have apoint.........:innocent-emoticon:I hate this I Pad:smash2:
  22. A few have seen mine. Scattered everywhere!
  23. Yammer Dan


    Not on the gravel!!! Get something to give you a solid base. 900 lbs comes down QUICK!!!
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