And those complaining wouldn't and couldn't touch your job!!! Reminds me of mine. Lot different but Everybody wants to complain about how we treat convicts but nobody wants to do it!! At least we had A/C at the new prison. Sometimes....
I've thought about those Low Profile things. Bet they are a Bi***. I've got a Harbor Freight changer probally wouldn't want to try that. I went to garage today and it was so hot I took 4 wheeler out for a while.
Love it when he told about the guy tailgating him on his Rocket bike. He couldn't get him to back off! Then he noticed the guys plastic on the front of his high dollar car melting!!!
When having a serious carb problem I use the BerryMans mixed with Marvel Mystery Oil to kind of tame it down. Seems to work good but like you say it has the Acetone so I don't like to use a lot of it like this but if needed:think:??
Go to Wally world and get a can of BerryMans Chem Tech. Aldo get a small Marvel Mystery Oil. Mix them to gather Using a piece of fuel line fill the carbs with this and leave sit at least overnight. Problem solved.
Hey Skid What happened to that update??? Ya slipping Buddy. Just cause I don't get that way too often anymore don't mean I ain't thinking bout ya buddy. Prayers Up!!!
You are right Puc. Middle of night and trying to make sure puter is gonna work right. BIKENUT IGNORE WHAT I SAID!! But I would still check all connections.
Above the Stator there are three wires togather that usually end up with connection problems. Can't remember much about them. Could pick them out if I were at bike. Somebody???