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Yammer Dan

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Everything posted by Yammer Dan

  1. I don't know what you are talking about......
  2. I was thinking it was the early ones in the 80's with that problem and it required pulling engine to fix. 95 it was fixed....I Think..:Avatars_Gee_George:But don't take my word for it we have plenty of experts on that bike.
  3. Ranger died in driveway. That's a smart truck. Prayers Up!!!
  4. Remove while you got it on the stand. If it is worn replace or it will fail on you when you need it!!
  5. Leg says No sleep tonight. Prayers Up!!!
  6. WORK?? I'm learning to avoid the Warden when she comes lookin....
  7. Never saw grass grow this fast. Prayers Up!!!
  8. Flea Market day. Prayers Up!!!
  9. Prayers. It ain't bad on the sidelines....
  10. Another late one. Prayers Up!!!
  11. Heard of?? Yes. Want??? Er......NO!!!!:bang head:
  12. As David said keep a eye on the trunk lid. But you can reinforce that if you need to.
  13. They gave Mom something that almost stopped it but I don't remember what it was. Been a while.
  14. GO BACK TO SLEEP!!! He didn't mean it!! Now ya see what ya done Rob!!! :bang head: Its JULY!!!:cold:
  15. Jack Daniels...... Er no wait a minute that's what caused mine. Sorry Mike couldn't help that one. My mother had trouble with that years ago and it ended up being inner ear trouble. Had those checked??
  16. As Puc said if you can turn a wrench a little it make a lot of difference depending on how much you value your time. Make sure it has been cared for as it should have been and there will be a lot of miles left to enjoy. Then you can get the best backup anywhere for 12 bucks. A real steal.
  17. Yeah but that A/C sure was nice after the Old Prison that had temps as high as 125 on top floor. Dealing with those A******* at 125 ain't much fun.
  18. Too wet to mow!! Prayers Up!!!
  19. Hey Don he said THAT Word in July!! But he didn't know. Don't be too hard on him!!!
  20. Mowed one place. "She" ain't noticed I didn't do other one yet. Prayers Up!!!
  21. Major operation. Keep your 83s. They are quick detach. 89 not.
  22. And those complaining wouldn't and couldn't touch your job!!! Reminds me of mine. Lot different but Everybody wants to complain about how we treat convicts but nobody wants to do it!! At least we had A/C at the new prison. Sometimes....
  23. Here comes Warden with mower key. Prayers Up!!!
  24. Another late one. Prayers Up!!!
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