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Yammer Dan

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Everything posted by Yammer Dan

  1. Hot out there today. Prayers Up!!!
  2. Figured a Lady was more likely to carry a hair dryer than a can of WD 40....
  3. If you were to acquire one of these how would you get a manual to set it up?? Searched for one but cain't be found??? Looks pretty simple from what I can see but would like to read about it in case I were to ever get one of these!! Good thing I got a paint gun. Now if I could only paint!!
  4. Voyager? Is that a travel kit or something??
  5. She got a hair dryer??? Dry it out....
  6. The Warden had to chase me out of the back a couple times before we got home.....
  7. Windows 10 just plain SUCKS!! I'm getting used to it but it has been a huge Pain in the A**!!
  8. You getting Bashfull??
  9. If Woody needs synced Katrina probally has a Iron Skillet...
  10. Bought?? How much is that Tenn. Air worth?? Our West by God air is still pretty good. Why would I want to import Tenn. :think:air???
  11. Rain on metal garage roof. Prayers Up!!!
  12. Bring Back? Bring back what? From where? I have no idea what you are talking bout!!!
  13. I got the Ice Cream. Our Pizza round here Sucks. Got a little West by God White Lightening. And the Warden make a mean Hot Dog. We could import some Pizza from Pizza Hut. I'm looking at getting a load of the blacktop they are tearing up when they resurface roads around here. They grind it up and I can't find the right State employee to get a load of it yet. I think it would make a fine base for a drive thru the grass that I have to do. AKA Refugee would sure like it. :Avatars_Gee_George:Sorry Kevin...
  14. Got in a few extra Prayers on way to Tenn. and back. Prayers Up!!!
  15. Wasted another day not getting a Trike..... Gotta go unload my truck.
  16. Made it home no problems. Ranger acted like back was empty!!! These nosey Varmits don't need to know how empty it was!!! Thanks Again Man. WE got to hook up at one of our shindigs!!!
  17. Hey Jeff Now that you know what you are doing ya could come down here and do my driveway!!!
  18. Out the door to Tenn. Hey Skid don't you owe us a update?? Prayers Up!!!
  19. You can Drift that mower on some of the banks I got...
  20. Enjoy!! Hope you guys have a Great Time. It don't look like I'll get finished in time... Headed for Tenn. in the morning. Trying to stay in this game a little longer. No I ain't saying What but a member here is treating me great. Deals like this I just cain't pass up. And it has the Wardens approval!! No Not a trike!!! Remember I said NOT A TRIKE!!! And it is possible that I could go back to a 1st Gen!!! No its NOT a 1st Gen!!!
  21. Humm I think Bob may be right. Looked at papers on it. I bought it when it was 2 yrs old. In 2004..... No wonder they are cracking!!!:bang head:
  22. Ya talking to me??
  23. Hey there is a few parts missing there!!! Yeah I have a hard time getting cranked up anymore. Taking a trip to see a member in Tenn. in the morning. When I get back gonna havr to spend some garage time. Just not sure with which Scoot:mugshot:
  24. Gotta full day planned. Prayers Up!!!
  25. Doing Ok this morning but still a few sore spots.
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