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Yammer Dan

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Everything posted by Yammer Dan

  1. Prayers that she heals Great!!!
  2. Congrats!! Be careful those Blue ones are Quick!!!
  3. Feel like crap this morning. Prayers Up!!!
  4. More grass to Mow!! Prayers Up!!!
  5. Sandman slacking again. Prayers Up!!!
  6. You cain't pack all that stuff in there without something to preserve it!! It'll last Forever or til the fire whichever comes first!!!
  7. Sore today. Warden is a Slavedriver. Prayers Up!!!
  8. Following Skid? That will get you in Trouble!!
  9. HEY!! Change??? Well not too bad I guess. Maybe I can still learn something although my head is full of so much valuable Knowledge it is hard to find room for more!! :backinmyday:
  10. Coffee cups???
  11. In 99 I did about 50k loan at 7-1/4 on 30 year loan. I had plans at the time we got it. If you pay more than your payment it has to go to the principal. In early 09 we made the last payment. But I was in a position where I assigned work schedules and none of the kids I had wanted overtime that HAD to be done. I averaged about 76 hrs a week over that time. Got Er Done!! My point being every buck you can add to your payment knocks about 10 off at the end. Not sure of that number it was given to me by a Accountant. But I knocked out a 30 yr loan in less than 10 years!! Thank You; WV Division of Corrections!!! :mugshot: Working Lockup in a Max. Security Prison! My point being every extra buck you can stick on your loan makes life a whole lot easier down the road. obustard has hacked my retirement so bad I don't know how I would make it with that payment still over my head.
  12. That's the one I din't have.
  13. 1st gen 2 saddle Bags, Trunk and 6 extra little bags here and there.
  14. Amen Jack!! If they capped a few it would slow down in a hurry!!:usa:
  15. Awlsome!!!:usa:
  16. You with a purse Bob?? I'm not surprised......LOL. It is a good spot for a extra little bag. My Frog Togs will go in mine.
  17. Glad you were able to walk away from that one!!! I like the way F4 talks about their shields but am running a Clearview with no complaints. I got scratches but they were earned!!
  18. 87,243 Views. That's a bunch. Never woulda thunk it. Prayers with every View?? Prayers Up!!!
  19. This is a rare item. Fits on the front of the trunk just above the back of the seat. I sure wouldn't pay that. Besides "Ugly" already has a brown one to match her colors!! http://www.ebay.com/itm/New-NOS-Yamaha-59G-28401-00-00-Trunk-Pouch-1-1985-Venture-Royale-XVZ1200D-/151273198128?hash=item233895d230:g:sG0AAOSwDk5TtNcS&vxp=mtr
  20. Another late one. Prayers Up!!!
  21. But you cheat!!! ITs in your backyard!!
  22. Just explained how a 870 worked. Very Carefully. He complained that when it made contact with his nose that I was enjoying it too much......
  23. :sign yeah that::sign yeah that: Sounds like a Great Idea!!!
  24. I got a can of Pepper Spray....only for the Brave.......and Skid!!
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