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About coldinnd

  • Birthday 04/01/1958

Personal Information

  • Name


  • Location
    elgin, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
    riding motorcycle ,Hunting, camping
  • Bike Year and Model
    1999 royal star venture
  1. camping and hunting:cool10:
  2. We are headed there for the last weekend 13-15 plan on getting in on thursday night. Would be nice if the groups could all get together? My cellphone number is 701-220-1108
  3. Great Pictures!!! We are headed down to Sturgis next thursday for 4 days can hardly wait!! Lots of great roads to ride:dancefool:
  4. We have a lot of different ethnicities in the upper mid west (other than Scandihovians) so it could be a lot of things called different by each and eveyone of them. But it looks German to me, Meat and potatos, yah that looks Crout to me! The russian/german variation is called "FLEISHKUEKLE" but I have never had any with potatoes in them. Hamburger and pork spiced just right rolled up in bread dough and deep fried served with ketchup and absolutely FANTASTIC:smile5:
  5. Nice looking dogs. My security system is a 110 lb chocolate lab with a bad disposition at night. We sleep well :-)
  6. I have a set of samson turnouts I like the sound. They are quite abit louder than stock.
  7. I hit a Pheasant rooster last year with the fairing at 60 mph (was coming in for a landing I never even saw it) no damage to the bike "But what an eye opener":thumbdown:
  8. I sprayed it down with a cleaner no go I think a tumbler may have shifted or broke????
  9. Well I pulled up to the gas pump today and pulled the ignition key opened gas cap and filled tank. Put key back in ignition and key will not turn????? Handlebars are not locked and key works every where else (gas cap and bag locks) any ideas??? Had to load bike on trailer to get it home. Any help would be appreciated
  10. I put on a set of Samson turnouts. I like the sound but I must admit I have a friend with a Goldwing that grumbles he won't ride next to me because he says they are too "loud".
  11. I live in a really small town (pop. 700) so for running around town I just jump on the bike, any other time its full gear but not always the helmet.
  12. Ok now I have a question. Last year I put a new 404 on the front of my bike. Was going to order a new 404 for the rear this summer. But with all the talk about the E3 could I put an E3 on the back and keep the 404 on the front?? Would this affect handling?
  13. I will put him in the prayers we say for my son every day he has been in afghanistan since january. Every time I see a soldier I stop and thank them for what they do for us every day "BECAUSE FREEDOM ISN'T FREE". We pray for our soldiers safe return everyday.
  14. Did you wear a mask and carry a gun when you went there ???????? Sweet looking bike you got a steal:clap2:
  15. 5 years ago my son in high school at the time came home and said he had found a motorcyle and he wanted to buy it. To make a long story short we go out to this farm and in the corner of the barn under a tarp is an 85 Suzuki 450 4500 miles, not a speck of rust no dents windshield and sissy bar really in good shape just hadn't been run for 8 years asked the farmer what he had to have for it, he took 1 look at my son and could see how excited he was about it and said is 50 dollars too much? well needless to say we loaded it into the back of my truck took it home and worked on it all weekend had it running right away but had a few other issues to deal with bottom line though was it ended up getting me back into riding which was a great deal:clap2:
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