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Everything posted by bobcat

  1. Assuming the gasket has never been replaced the time has come to do so...look at it this way, you won't have to do it again for another 23 years...
  2. I've used Castrol GTX for over 25 years in all my vehicles...I use 20/50 wt in my motorcycles and change oil at 2K..I've never had a oil related issue in any vehicle..Also, I add about 1/3 can of STP with oil change in the motorcycles.. I guess we all have different taste with tires, oil, women, booze etc..makes things interesting.....
  3. With the bleed screw open I use a pump oil can and pump the brake fluid from the banjo fitting slowly until it comes out the bleed screw....tighten the bleed screw, install the banjo fitting then start the bleeding process....
  4. I have an 86 as well..Mine was always an adventure in the sense that I was never sure when I turned the C/C on what to expect..Different fixes would work but only temporarily..so after years of frustration I bought a friction lock from JC Whitney for $35..At first I'd turn on the C/C, if it worked I used it, if it didn't I'd use the friction lock..Now I only use the friction lock..Nice thing about it is you never have to worry whether its going to work or it turning itself off for no reason..
  5. I've fought with my cruise control many times over the years..It works, then it don't then it does...I've done several fixes that I thought was the final fix until it stopped working again.....I never knew what to expect when I turned on the C/C.... That all changed when I installed a $35 throttle lock (Vista Cruise) that I bought from JC Whitney...It locks and unlocks the throttle with a thumb lever...Simple and easy Sure, I'd rather have my sophisticated Venture cruise but this device works fine...
  6. George S Next time you come to Reno let me know..Maybe we could meet for lunch or a beer (or both).....
  7. I just got back from a trip to Colorado, about 2500 mi round trip...I traveled at many different speeds crossing the Nevada and Utah deserts...It kind of surprised me that no matter what speed I traveled 70-80-and sometimes 90 mph I averaged 40MPG..sometimes 42 other times 38 but usually right at 40MPG.. I did hit some headwind in mid Nevada heading west coming home and my mileage dipped to 36-37...But other than that I averaged 40 mpg
  8. Sometimes its electrical connections in the light hi-low beam switch.....Try giving the switch a shot of electrical cleaner then work the switch back and forth (hi-beam,low-beam) several times..That worked for me
  9. I haven't noticed any difference in the radio....I don't use the audio..
  10. Get a cheap hydrometer at any auto supply or battery shop...That will tell you the condition of every cell hence the overall condition of the battery....
  11. Holy Excrement....I had no idea installing new cables was that involved..I'll wait for some rainey day in the winter to do the job...Thanks for the info
  12. I just received my new battery cables from Paul...Does anyone have any suggestions, do's and don'ts etc on how to install them.. Thanks in advance
  13. I have heard that some will run a seperate switch to the fan so they can turn it on when they feel its necessary...Although I haven't done it myself it seems like a good idea for those that live in hot climates or ride in city traffic a lot....
  14. I've had no problems with the NGK's non-resistor plugs on my 86VR...It seems the non resistors run better longer...
  15. Thanks Paul I just got back from Colorado today and my cables were here..I'll install them this weekend
  16. I have an 86VR just like yours and I had a Metzeler 880 rear tire start losing chunks at about 6000....In all fairness the front tire has over 20k on it and still looking good
  17. Maybe a previous owner already replaced the springs...I don't bottom out or have any wobbles...I changed the fork oil today as part of routine maintenence..the old fluid was black and kind of sticky..The hardest part is getting the caps back on as a previous member stated..I'm going to try and find a piece of allen stock to fit the cap..I was worried that I might cross thread the caps but luckily I didn't....
  18. Just out of curiousity, how does the upgrade make a difference?..Mines all stock so I've always wondered how and where the difference is..
  19. Where do you get the chrome plugs?
  20. Right on Paul I can't hardly wait until my cables arrive....Thanks
  21. Owning one of these big Ventures is not for everybody....Im 6'5" and weigh 3 something (vanity) and its not that easy for me to either put the bike on or take off the CS...Don't get me wrong, its not a problem but its no piece of cake either...
  22. I took the bike out for a little jaunt today, about 150 mi..The guage is clearly showing more charge than last week...Probably one of the many plugs I cleaned contained the gremlin that made my guage show a low charge rate.. Thanks everyone for your help
  23. There was a difference between my guage and my multimeter..The MM read 12.5 at idle and 14.25 at 2000 RPM...the guage only read 13 to 13.50 at 2K..I cleaned all the plugs around the battery and behind the Lt side cover, now the guage seems more in tune with the MM....I'll be keeping an eye on the guage to see if anything changes.. Thanks everyone for your help..I never dealt with this problem before and had no idea where to begin or what to do but now I have a better feel for the situation....
  24. Thanks for the info....BTW: approx where is that plug located?
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