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Everything posted by bobcat

  1. Excellent point.....I was comparing My BMW, which is gravity fed, to the Yamaha which is not gravity fed...Duh
  2. I guess batteries have as many variables and opinions as do tires and oil....There's a battery shop here in Reno that sell all sorts of batteries and its where I get all my batteries for all my vehicles...The current lead acid battery in my 86 Venture cost $42, is 5 yrs old and still starting the bike fine...Soon I'll replace the battery as a precaution and I'll go back to that same shop...I'm sure there are better batteries then the ones I buy but you can't expect much more than 5 yrs even out of the most expensive ones...
  3. I agree with ToRide.....If that much fuel isn't hitting the ground then logic would say its going in your crankcase...(However, logic doesn't always work..) I had a similiar problem with my BMW except I didn't loose a lot of fuel..The garage smelled like gas and my mileage went down...It wound up being a leaking fuel line...this was during the summer so I'm guessing the gas probably evaporated before it puddled...
  4. Tim...Check with Rick at www.buckeyeperformance.com for your rotors or any other Venture part...he's a fellow Venture owner and will give you a square price etc..
  5. Tim....From time to time I use a .000 steel wool pad with a clean rag and brake fluid to clean road grime etc off my front rotors...IMHO I wouldn't risk useing any electic driven device to clean up the rotors...
  6. I agree with George S....this shouldn't be an issue..I'd be more concerned why you're adding oil between oil changes...
  7. I agree with Randy.....TCI
  8. Earl covered it well....I'd replaced the plugs first, add a can of seafoam, check the air filter then replace the fuel filter before I dug into the carbs...I like to eliminate the easy and cheaper things first....Plugs, seafoam and fuel filter should cost about $20-$25 bucks...(fuel filter located under and behind left saddle bag area..... Good Luck
  9. I bought a regular lead acid battery from a local battery shop... it cost about $45-$50...That was 5 years ago and my bike has never failed to start since.. Even though my hydrometer says this current battery is still good I'll buy a new one in the next couple of months..Getting 5 years out of a $50 battery is good enough for me.............
  10. Thanks for the reply Old Bull.... I already took care of it last April or May.....I'm still interested in the rt front fairing however...
  11. Thanks Swifty..... BTW: where do you park your bike?
  12. Condor...Just thought I'd give it a shot here first then I'll put it in the classified....I did see a couple of rt side fairings on ebay but the wrong color....If nothing shows up I'll start checking out motorcycle salvage yards....Nice thing about it is I'm in no big hurry... Thanks for your input
  13. Does anyone have a upper rt side fairing, 2 tone brown, for a 86VR for sale?
  14. Take it a step at a time.....#1, replace the plugs.. I've had good luck with the NGK non-resistor..I'd be surprised if that didn't fix your problem...
  15. I agree with lonestarmedic....the #1 cause of front end wobble is a loose steering head bearing...Tighten that first to see if it fixes your problem before diving into it with both hands...Also, 40 LBS of air in front tire..Now I know some will disagree with the air amount but figure somewhere between 38-42 LBS..
  16. I'd take it one step at a time...Bleed the front brakes then check the pads and rotors for oil or brake fluid..(Pads might not be getting a good bite)..If they're OK then I'd rebuild the calipers..If that doesn't give you the results you want then consider your other options... I might add that the stock brakes work well...IMHO
  17. Chris....Before you dive into the problem I'd take a shot at bleeding the brakes first....Also, check the discs..rub a clean rag on the discs and see if they have any oily substance on them..I once had a braking problem that wound up being fork oil leaking down onto my rt front disc that I couldn't see until I rubbed my fingers on the disc...
  18. My excuse for drilling holes in the top of the airbox was I live at 4500 ft altitude and traveled a lot of the time at even higher altitudes..The bike was running a bit sluggish so I surmised it needed more air...I started out by drilling six 1/2"holes in the lid of the airbox which after a while seemed like too many so I put duct tape on 2 of them..A while later I taped over 2 more..The bike seems to be at its best with just 2 open holes in the airbox...It has more power and the gas mileage is better... My point is you may have to experiment a little and see what work for you
  19. I looked it up for you...here's a pic of that rack from JC Whitney...cost about $60
  20. JC Whitney has a generic trunk rack that fits Gold Wings and Harleys...They fit our Ventures to a "T" also... You can check it our by going to www.jcwhitney.com then going to the motorcycle section etc...
  21. I had that happen on my 86VR....I found that the rubber liner under the cap of the handlebar resevoir was distorted and must have pushed down on the float causing the brake icon to come on...After getting the liner correctly reshaped and adding a little brake fluid the problem was cured....
  22. You described the symptoms of a TCI going bad....
  23. ...I basically have the same setup on my airhead beemer..The needle has 4 notches, the higher you set the notches the lower the needle and the better the mileage..as you pointed out its best to check the plugs after lowering the needle to make sure its not running too lean..I improved my mileage on the Beemer about 6-8 mpg...It never occurred to me to replace the white spacer with a thinner washer on the Venture..Its got to work the same as the Beemer carb by lowering the needle....Thanks for the tip..I love this site
  24. I read here a while back about a member that had the same problem....it wound up being the hi-low beam switch...try giving the switch a shot of electrical cleaner then go back and forth with the switch several times...hi-low-hi-low etc..
  25. Are you sure its the oil light? The "oil can" icon would be on ..The reason I ask is many have mistaken the more common "tear drop" icon, which means brake fluid is low, for engine oil....
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