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Everything posted by bobcat

  1. For starters I'd change the plugs and run some seafoam through it...Also, check the air filter
  2. Before I read that you already looked at your diaphrams I was going to suggest doing so...It still gives the appearance of bad diaphrams.. One time I was checking my diaphrams and they all looked OK until I held them up to a light then I saw several pin holes in each of them so I replaced them...
  3. I had a similiar problem on my 86..wound up the float in the brake resevoir on the rt handlebar was stuck..I took the lid off the resevoir and tapped the float, it rose to the top and the red warning light went out... All fixes should be that easy.... BTW: Are you sure BOTH resevoirs are full? ( Had to ask)
  4. Yep, B/B is right on:thumbsup2:...check out www.buckeyeperformance.com
  5. Was the 20mpg taken over a period of time and several tanks of gas? If you are going 90mph and fighting a 50mph headwind then it will create havoc with gas mileage..
  6. Thanks Earl Thats great advise..I'll get a radiator cap tomorrow as you suggested and check the radiator drain O ring..I never thought of that..
  7. I check my coolant at the radiator about once a month....Everytime I check it's about 1-2 pints low...I can't figure where the water goes, its not leaking anywhere.... Any ideas?? Thanks in advance
  8. This won't be much help but I felt like adding my 2 cents worth, EH ( a little Canadan talk) About 90% of my electrical problems was either a bad ground or bad connection, EH I guess that's why we call them gremlins..sometimes for some unexplained reason they fix themselves but when they do that you feel like when's the other shoe going to drop.....
  9. Bob You're absolutely right..What I was trying to convey to Klaus is the inner and outer are different sizes even though they look the same... To show you how dumb I am, when I got my caliper rebuilding kit with all the O rings I was wondering why there were different part numbers on the packages...DUH....(one for inner, one for outer) Live and learn I guess
  10. Let me clarify something....After you get the pistons out (I used air pressure to do it) you will then remove the old O rings..There is an inner and outer O ring in each chamber..The inner and outer O rings are a different size...That's where I messed up, I thought they'd be the same size but they're not and I wound up damaging the O rings..after I thought I was done the calipers leaked..... I discovered that I had put the smaller O ring where the larger one should have gone....Its an easy mistake to make if you don't know they are different sizes...Now you know
  11. Excuse my skepticism but by using that Pulse maintinence charger a battery will last 5 times longer??? That means that the lead/acid batteries I use that are currently lasting 5 years will last 25 years....HMMM
  12. Klaus The O rings look the same but they are different sizes..If you install the smaller of the two in the place where the larger one is suppose to go then it won't seat into the groove properly and will wind up getting cut when you put in the piston.... I found this out the hard way and had to order more O rings...I'd recommend emailing or calling Rick at www.buckeyeperformance.com He's a fellow Venture rider that sells parts for our bikes...Nice guy and he'll answer all your questions....Good prices also..
  13. The cruise control on my 86 VR seemed to have a mind of its own...At times it wouldn't engage other times it would...I changed the bushing in the clutch handle, changed the vacumm hose etc and it would work for a while then go back to is old habits....Sometimes the bike would speed up other times it would slow down....Finally I reached the end of my rope and bought a $35 friction lock device called a Vista Cruiser from JC Whitney....It takes some getting use to but it works great and because its so simple in design it works all the time....
  14. Nope, I never have them on a maintainer or recharge them daily...There are times during the winter when I may not start the bikes for 2-3 weeks and they always fire right up...If I go much longer then I'll trickle charge them but thats about all.... Maybe I've used my allotment of luck on batteries and should stay out of the casinos but damn, its March Madness now, can't do that....
  15. ..I buy a lead/acid battery for each of my bikes and cars about every 5 years and I have NEVER had a battery failure...well, one time I went 7 years and a battery failed (my fault).. I'm not criticizing anyone but I don't get what the big deal is about gel batteries...
  16. Did you sync the carbs? Also, might be a TCI problem or the connection to the TCI
  17. Right on Matt.....Thanks for the followup...Don't ya just love it when a fix doesn't cost anything? I know I do..
  18. Matt....I had the same problem....I was advised the same as you to clean and tighten the wire connector and bullet end of the sensor...I did the same for the fan sensor for good measure while I was in there.....My temp guage has been working fine ever since....
  19. I wouldn't trust those plugs..If they failed you once then I'd be skeptical of it happening again, and you know Murphys law..it'll happen at the worst possible time...Reach down deep into your pocket and pull out $8 and buy a new set of plugs and be done with it... For what its worth...I always carry and extra set of new plugs with me just in case..
  20. Stud...I completely remove the old nipple from the base..I then drill the appropriate sized hole in the base and install a 5mm allen head screw that I nut on both sides of the base...The allen head is about the same size as the plastic nipple head and fits nicely in the rubber grommet....
  21. Thats my favorite kind of fix.....A shot of WD 40 and alls right with the world again...
  22. I agree with Condor.....Seveal years ago I had the same problem...I went to start my bike and it wouldn't fire..I looked in my service manual for ideas on where to begin..Their first suggestion was to change the plugs..I thought this was a waste of time because the bike had been starting fine but I did as the book suggested just to get it out of the way.... I replaced the plugs and much to my surprise it fired right up.. SOOO....my suggestion would be to change the plugs first...
  23. Re: front tire...I am not a Metzeler marathon 880 fan..When I bought my 86VR about three years ago it came with new Metz front and rear..The rear tire chunked out at 5k...Yep, I lost about 6-8 chunks of rubber off the rear..I replaced the rear with an Elite III.. He's the kicker...I have put close to 25K on the bike since I bought it and the front tire still looks almost new...I can't explain why its lasting so long because I normally get about 18K off the front.... Check out pic of rear tire...this happened after only 5K
  24. Buddy.....Like you, I pushed many a car to get them started when I was a teenager and in my early 20s....Due to money issues I always tried to get the last bit of use out of everything I owned, it didn't always work out for the best.....I'm in my mid 60s now and I haven't push started anything in the last 40 years and I don't intend to start now...After 4-5 yrs, good bye battery..If I miscalculate hello cell phone..
  25. You're absolutely right....Many years ago I had a battery that I thought was immortal..It was 7 years old and still starting the bike strong, or so I thought.. One morning I started the bike for a trip, no problem..I stopped for gas about 100 miles later, started fine...when I stopped for gas the second time and went to restart the bike it was dead...Luckily there was a guy with jumper cable, I got my bike started and managed to make it home......Lesson learned..
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