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Everything posted by bobcat

  1. It could be a combination of a weak battery and using a higher viscosity oil Eg...If you use a 20/50 oil, on cold mornings the higher viscosity can make any vehicle harder to start... BTW: did you check your battery with a hydrometer? I've experienced a slow starting bike where one almost dead battery cell was the culprit..
  2. Don't worry bout that...there's plenty of old folks on this forum that understand....
  3. I bought a new 09 RSV in March of 2010...At first all seemed well but like you after about 50-60 miles things started to hurt like my shoulders and rear end..The Baron risers helped a lot and are somewhat easy to install. You have to move a few things forward on the handlebar to compensate for the risers but no big deal... My seat was so uncomfortable that it made me wonder if I had made a mistake buying the bike. I tried several different pads and air cushions but nothing really helped until I purchased a RUSSELL DAY LONG SEAT with BACK REST..They're not cheap but what a difference. Worth every penny IMHO.. Along the way I made leveling links and when I had tires put on I switched to a 130 front tire..The bike is a dream to ride now. Handles better and it feels like I'm sitting on a cloud..
  4. I had a leak in my 86 VR that I just couldn't find. It was driving me crazy..(short drive) Anyway, in desperation I put about a cup or two of radiator stop leak in and VIOLA, it worked..That was about 3-4 years ago and it still doesn't lose coolant or have I had any negative effects...
  5. A few years ago I switched to the non resistor NGK plug because my resistor plugs were going bad too early ( around 6K miles)... That solved my problem...
  6. I think I've got ya covered on that one....I'm 67 years old, soon to be 68, 6'5", 310 lbs...I can get down real easy and give me 5 to 10 mins and I can get up too..So, what's the problem??
  7. IMHO you don't need to take the Lt saddlebag off..It's so simple of a job that by the time you get the saddlebag off you could have had the job done..
  8. I'd suggest before you run out and buy a new TCI that you unplug your current one, spray the contacts with electrical contact cleaner then plug it back in... As a matter of fact, any time I have an electrical issue that's the first thing I do..unplug and plug the offending part..It's worked on everything from the fan, to heat guage, to speakers, on board compressor, alternator (big white plug)and so on..
  9. About 5 years ago I was having a similiar problem with plugs except mine were giving me problems at about 5-6000 mi..Someone on this forum suggested using non resistor NGK plugs...Been fine ever since..Now I change them every winter just for GP at about 10-12K..
  10. I installed a new set of grips on my 09 about a year ago. I intended to put the end weights on at some point but never did and frankly I don't see what good it would do anyway, so I'll leave them off..
  11. My 09 gets right about 40mpg. If I back off the throttle and keep her under 70mph I'll get 42-43mpg. BTW: I was stationed in the panhandle of Texas (Amarillo AFB) and I don't think the wind ever quit blowing the whole time I was there. As we all know, wind reeks havoc with gas mileage..
  12. The 2011 color looks similiar to the 2007...
  13. 54chev.....If it were me my first move after changing plugs would be to sync the carbs..
  14. I agree with Randy...I'd change those plugs if for no other reason than to eliminate them as the problem. (They just may be the problem.) While you're doing them I'd also check the plug caps. Possible corrusion in the caps can cause the type of problem you've described. I changed my caps a few weeks ago and got rid of a low level miss thats been aggravating me for months..
  15. I've done much the same as mentioned above regarding using ABS cement. The only thing different is I'll drill a small hole at the very end of the existing crack to keep it from progressing before I apply ABS cement. If its a small crack and I'm working on the painted side I'll use a toothpick dipped in the ABS cement and work that into the crack then wipe off any excess immediately. If its a larger crack and I'm working on the inside I'll use ABS cement and either pieces of screen or fiberglass cloth for reinforcement..Both methods have worked well for me..
  16. After making and installing leveling links on my 09 RSV (for less than $7) I still wasn't completely satisfied with the handling so I reduced the size of the front tire from 150 to 130..Now it handles much better.
  17. Just for sh*** and grins check those rubber caps that go over the ports you use to sync the carbs..I had a similiar problem and it wound up being one of those rubber caps had fallen off.
  18. Try putting bike on center stand and spinning the front wheel..Could be an out of round tire is the culprit
  19. I ordered new caps and plug wires today..I'll change those first and see what results I get..Who knows, I might get lucky
  20. My 86 VR will start up normal. I'll let it warm up for a while then take off. The bike will run rough until its fully warmed up. Its running rough longer than I think it should under the guise of being "cold blooded".. Could this symptom possibly be a coil going bad?
  21. I have a 09 RSV..I just got back from a 1350 mile trip from Reno, Nv to the California and Oregon coasts and back to Reno..I averaged a little over 40 MPG..
  22. Per side
  23. That happened to me once on my 86VR. I posed the problem on this forum and it was suggested to open the bowl drain on the offending carb and to turn on the ignition switch to let the fuel pump flush out any particles that might be in the bowl...shut off the ignition switch then cap the drain.. It worked..
  24. Keep an eye on that rear tire...My Metz 880 Marathon chunked out at about 6K. I'll never put a Metz on the rear again but I must say the front tire, also a Metz 880, lasted for 30K....Go figure
  25. OB..I agree. We have the same year and color bikes BTW..I too just installed a set of leveling links that I made with the help of the tutorial from this website and a neighbor that had all the necessary tools..Best $7.48 I ever spent. Hard to believe that 1/4" shortening of the links can make such a big difference, but somehow it does..
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