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Dave Dunbar

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About Dave Dunbar

  • Birthday November 7

Personal Information

  • Name
    Dave Dunbar


  • Location
    Townsend Ma., MA, United States


  • City
    Townsend Ma.


  • State/Province


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    1983 Venture Royale
  1. Went to local locksmith with ignition switch and he was able to make 2 keys for 20 bucks had to pull lock apart as the numbers were no where to be found. There were numbers on the outside casting but did not match for keys to be cut.
  2. Hi I have been using a bicycle inner tube just cut a piece about 1" wide and it works great with one tube you would get a lot Dave
  3. Just wondering if you can get a key made from the serial number from a dealer
  4. Hi what i used was a bike inner tube and i cut it about 1" and it works great and you will have plenty for spares
  5. Does anyone know where I can get a drivers back rest for a 1983 venture it does not matter if it needs to be recovered I can do that. Thanks Dave
  6. Hi I am looking for a four brush starter for a 1983 venture royale does anyone have one they want to sell or know where I can get one. Thanks Dave Dunbar
  7. Can someone tell me where the best place to get a stator and a RR for a 1983 Venture Royale. I remember seeing something on here that one of our members sells them. Thanks Dave
  8. This morning I went to take my bike to work and had no dash or headlights checked fuses looked ok Friday it was ok on my way to work had lights and dash lights any idea where to start
  9. It was starting harder and harder as it got colder and colder now will not start at all. Had it almost started then would not even try to start any ideas.
  10. I have a 1983 and while i had the carbs apart to clean i changed the rubber plugs on the emulsion tube. What i did is tap the small hole to 1/4 twenty and put a stainless set screw in place, you just have to be very careful not to tap to far in as there is passages for gas that you cannot block up. The bigger plug i used5/16 by 18 and again do not tap to far in. The bike had sat for about 5 years and now runs fine. I am now working on no 4th or 5th gear. Hope this might help Dave
  11. I have picked up a 1983 venture for a parts bike but it is in good condition so i am going to get it running. First thing i did was clean the carborators and it ran pretty good, took it for a short ride only to find out i could not shift into 4th or 5th, after checking a few things and reading in the forums i took apart the clutch only to find a pin missing there is only 5 pins with one tab bent over and the pin is nowhere to be found. I have removed the oil pan only to find no pin there either. Could someone tell me where i can get the updated one that has a soild cover to hold the pins in. I will also need a pan gasket and a pin. Does anyone have any idea where the pin went. Not sure if that is why the other owner sold as parts bike. Have looked on top of oil pump and around that area. Any help would be great. Thanks Dave
  12. Hi Steve i will keep you in my prayers and do not give up we are all pulling for you to beat this Dave
  13. I have a new to me 1983 venture that i just got running after a complete carborator cleaning. Now the starter seams like there is not enough power in the battery to turn it over, but this is the same battery that i use on my other 1983 venture and it starts it fine. It almost seams as if it might be something in the starter, not sure if brushes would cause this kind of problem. I also have a high amp batter charger with a start option, that i tried, but it still cranked very slow then it will start. Does anyone have any ideas where i should start. Thanks Dave
  14. Thanks Gary i will order them today Dave
  15. Could someone let me know if the two rubber plugs at the bottom of the main jet body inside the flote cover need to be tight. I have the carbs of for cleaning and both plugs are loose, not sure if this is ok or not, if not where would i get new ones. Thanks Dave
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