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Everything posted by pick

  1. confused on which wires get run to switch? both from one side of the connector? I jump the red from the front of the connector to the brown/ble at rear of connector, all works? but looking at pictures, it don't look as if its done that way? seems as if they both get spliced from front of connector to switch?
  2. Anyone on that can answer a question about the wiring of an ignition by-pass switch?????????? errrghhhhh 770-624-4569????
  3. I used a rachet with a driver attachment, or a shorty would do the trick.
  4. wow, interesting.we go to the Horse Smoke Out rally every year and we make it a MUST to go to the BBQ Center resturant in Lexington to get one of their banana splits, the thing is HUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We just might have to make the ride up for the wekend.... Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
  5. "As I stated in the second post of this thread, the use of modulators can be misinterpreted by an uneducated motorist. I do not know of any emergency vehicles that only use flashing headlights as their warning system." Your right, most LE utilize multiple lighting systems on vehicles. However, motorcycles are a tad bit dfferent. The forward facing lights on motors are relatively close to the front headlight. Even with newer LED's, the bright white light of the headlight "washes" out the pulsating blue or red lights on the front crash bars. If you ever get a chance, go ask a motor officer to turn his emergency equipment on and stand a cpl hundred yards away, most all you'll see with be the pulsating headlight. Its the same on vehicles, usually the first thing you'll pick up on a LE vehicle coming at you is the wig wags, it is much more noticible than any of the other flashers on the vehicle. Thats how LE gets away with slick tops. Being in LE and a motorcycle rider, I LIKE to be seen. I NEED to be seen. New cars are much more soundproof and with stereos, air conditioning, cell phone and blackberrys, etc. running, you ain't hearing any siren till I'm on you. Pulsating white lights seem to reach the farthest and are most noticable. (as a side note, there is nothing more frustraing than running 110 in the left lane, everything ya got on full blast and the car ahead sees you and then just freking stops!!!!!!!!!!!! MOVE OVER!!!!!!!!!! ok, back to my rant) That being said, on my venture I do run a modulating headlight and yes, it turns off at dusk. My harley is a different story, you'll hear that a 1/4 mile away..................... I don't feel the quick pulsating light hinders anyones sight, especialy in the bright sunlight of day. And if I'm in the left lane behind them and they think I'm LE behind them and they move over because of it, they shouldn't have been in the left hand lane in the first place! Not too much sympaty for them. I've yet to hear any stories or data about some poor, poor cage driver that was blinded by a motorcycle and run into at 70 miles an hour, or run off the road. If thats the case, 18 wheelers shouldn't be allowed behind ya at night. JMTC
  6. LOL, Eck, Sleeperhawk, it sure would be great if we could all hook up again here soon! Update on Redbeard, he's been hired by the Ga. Tech Police Department and starting today, he is attending the 80 Hour HD Basic Police Motorcycle riders course up near Detroit. Today is day one, and he is SOOOOOO happy! I mean, what a job, getting paid to ride! I'll let ya kow how he does. And again, we need to figure out a way to all meet somewhere? I guess Lowells is out? Him moving and all, mybe we can find a central location for a weekend meet? Take Care, miss you my friends!
  7. LOL, actually there were a bunch, even in the rain. Benefit ride for breast cancer, great cause, been doing it for 5 yrears.................
  8. Saw a Venture and several STAR Riders at the Bikers For Boobs Poker Run today in Carrollton, GA. We"re any of you members here?
  9. I have both a Sears (Craftsman) and a Pitbull. They both work great witht the carbonone life adaptor. The pitbull is a tad bit more secure and lifts about 3 inches higher, but I didn't find anything the craftsman couldn't do.
  10. pick


    Thanks, just thought I'd give it a shot. I really don't believe in skimping on stuff like pads, more of a wish, I'll stick with my EBC's................... Thanks for the replies!
  11. pick


    http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/YAMAHA-Front-Rear-Brake-Pads-XVZ-13-1300-XVZ13-Royal-_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQhashZitem2eae21db19QQitemZ200489949977QQptZMotorcyclesQ5fPartsQ5fAccessories Anyone have any experience with these pads?
  12. Valvoline 10w30, Supertec 7317 filter, every 3k
  13. gotta second on the bag Liners I got from Beer30. Great quality and price!!!!!!
  14. pick

    Iso Grips?

    Well, test three, just cleaned up the gasket sealer and gave em a good dose of wifeys mega hold hair spray, gona let them set overnight and see what happpens. Gotta trip planned to NC Wed. and would like them to be set for the trip.
  15. pick

    Iso Grips?

    Changed to the Iso grips, like the larger diameter. I read some of the previous threads aboue glue. I tried the dish soap, didn't hold. Tried black gasket sealer, that didn't hold. I'm reluctant to use the Iso grip glue and they say its PERMANANT. I want to take them off here shortly and modify them to put the factory weights back on. Any suggestions as to what glue will hold them from turning and still be able to remove them from the bars without ruining them?
  16. pick

    Rear Shock

    I know we gota replace the rear shock, also replacing rear bushing on swing arm,Little over 240k on bike, any reason this shock won't work, budget is real tight? http://www.motorsportssupercenter.com/pages/catalogs/detail/17/348/1408/1419/1/0/0/1/4/90/69/331/420-series-nonreservoir-alum-body-shock.aspx
  17. I run regular? Isn't that whats recommended by manufacturer??? higher octane, higher temps????
  18. and in boot camp, the DI's took out the packs of ciggs for themselves................... Be careful eating the cheese and crackers, ya might get a little "bound up"!!!!! LOL
  19. I held one in with a 2x4 and the other I used compressed air to "pop" it out
  20. LOL, always one on my key rings! So many people never saw one! We did call then John Waynes? USMC 1975-1979 Semper Fi
  21. I bought one last spring from them. Fast shipping, dooor to door. Now I can't speak for shipping to canada, but so far I am pleased with the battery and their cusomer service?
  22. pick

    Air Compressor

    Wow, twice not to use PVC?????? I've seen it used in a lot of places? One even commercial here? I'd hate to think how much it'd be if I had to run steel or copper?????????????? That would price the convenience right out of it, I'd just hve to get couplers and longer hoses............Pipe is marked good to 600#????
  23. pick

    Air Compressor

    The pipe will actually be in my basement, semi heated, never below about 50 degrees,. hmmmmmm.......Water drains, never thought of them, I guess a cap and threaded fitting would do?
  24. Thanks for all the info. Boomer, its for a Police Memorial, we fly the flags with the names of our fallen officers. I guess I really overestimated the interstate part of the ride, maybe only 10 miles, the rest are back roads at much slower speeds. I am worried about durability, as in past memorial rides, we have had accidents where poles broke/fell apart. Usually thay are installed the day of the ride and made to fit whatever bikes ar available, zip ties etc. This is the first year I want to fly our fallen officers flag, hence why I want the pole to be sturdy as I don't need it falling off in I-75!!!!!!!!!!! Ponch, thanks for theofer, but I don't think I'd have time to ship it, have you make something and get it back intime before the ride. Maybe I'll lave it with ya if we do Wildhairs again this summer???? Thanks for all the tips, I think I can find a bracket that will go through the hole in the hitch and then a reinforced pole as suggested by goose?????, with brackets attaching it to the helmet locks for stability?????????????
  25. Well, been home for a week now recouping from sholder surgery, WAY to much time on my hands before I go back to work. Tinkering in my work shop, I want to run several more lines remotely off my air compressor so I have alternate locations that I can plug in air tools, etc. I am thinking of using 1/2" inch PVC pipe? Anyone have any experience with this? Just thinking 1/2" as its cheeper that 3/4"? Would ther be a difference in air flow CFM,s etc between 1/2" and 3/4"????????? Air is used mostly for blowing off parts, drying and a 3/4" air ratchet. Light sanding, no heavy spray painting or orbital sanding? Any hints?
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