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Everything posted by pick

  1. Thanks, I went ahead and istaled the stebel relay, not as tough as i thought (electronically deficient) Am seriously thinking of doing that very thing, I don't like the wires sooo close to the pipes........................... I guess I need a solder gun.................See above (electronically deficient) LOL
  2. :think:Installing the Stebel horn, removed my old Rivco's. Questons is that will the relay that comes with the rivcos work with the Stebel? I tested it and it semed alright? Do I need to replace it with the Stebel relay for loudness or is it the same with the Rivco relay? Also, it seems even with the mount from Carbon One that that the wires are really close to the exhaust? Is this a problem? confused................................
  3. Just my 2 cents, but I use the wa-mart filter and Val. 10-30, change every 3k, I figure its cheep insurance for the motor.....................
  4. Kudos to ECK, Curt and Freebird for the great directions and post on the clutch upgrade. Bought the PCW upgrade kit, also bought new clutch disks. Everything went right as it should have. Noticed that the only two bolts that were different were at 2 and 10 o'clock, otherwise they were all the same. Wire came right out with a pair of long needle nose, and everything went right back in as planned. No need to adjust the clutch afterwards. Did notice it is slightly stiffer, and maybe does release a little latter, but a VERY noticable difference in that it no longer slips like it did! After talking to Curt, and for others future endevors, there is no need to use permatex or gasket sealer when replacing the gasket. I do see that I will have to buy a smaller torque wrench as mine only goes to 10 ft. lbs. Otherwise, thanks to all, this probably saved me a cpl. hundred bucks as I'm sure thats what my local stealer would'a charged me to do it! Anyomne close to Bremen that ever needs a hand doing one, now please feel free to call! Thanks again Freebird, Eck and Curt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. I spliced in a two prong trailer connector to the power cord and hooked it up to the pigtail that is attached to the battery for my battery tender. GPS is always hot and I simply unplug it if I need to hook up the tender. And it is one less thing on my harness.
  6. Ok Deb, we pickd up another, we're getting packed and the bike ready. Hoping it makes 30 degrees before we leave. Got your cell, we'll talk to ya before SAt!
  7. :cool10:I'll take one too!
  8. pick


    Ok, thanks, Just wondering if mine was just weird?
  9. pick


    I thought I read this here before, but couldn't find it. After instaling my GPS, I've noticed that the speed is diferent. GPS will read 80 MPH and the bikes speedo is showing 86-88 moh? I know the GPS is acurate asI've had it in my car (certified speedo) and it reads dead on. Bike reads 6-8 mph fast? Is this common?
  10. pick


    I think I've read this before, but couldn't find it? After installing my GPS, I've noticed that there is a definate speed difference from what the GPS reads and the speedo reads. I get 80 mph on the gps and the bike shows 86-88 on the speedo. I know for a fact the GPS is accurate, as I've had in my car (Certified police) and it reads right on? But on the bike, bike shows about 6-8 mph faster than actual speed? Is this common?
  11. :confused24:I've had no issues with the wings nuts yet, and to try and get the stock ones on, especaially on the drivers side is a REAL pain! If I ever have trouble with the wings nuts, probably the first thing I'd reach for is blue loctite?
  12. I use Lucas 80/90 gear oil.?
  13. I use wing nuts myself, and hell, the seat ain't gong nowhere with my big fat ass on it moving, and I'm not afraid of it falling off. I know of some that simply put a piece of rubber hose over the screw just to hold it steady?
  14. Deb, we will def. be in DeLand Sat motrning, not sure how early. LOL Hopefully we'll talk before then. Anyone else is welcome to join us, its a great little rally!
  15. Well, I suppose I'll catch it again, but its not just yamaha, HD won't work on my 81 FLHS. I do most of my work myself. I do have a local indy whos worked on older iron his whole life that I depend on. Its kinda given me the whole "FTF" mentality. Just seems they're out for sooo much profit, they forget the whole meaning of Bikers, Freedom and the brotherhood that it all started with. Thats why it is so comforting to have folks like Eck and the like so willing to share their vast knowledge with those not as fortunate to have the experience. too many so called bikers riding past someone along the side of the road without not so much as even stopping to make sure they're ok? Now I ride a HD too, but all the HD stealers are carrying these days are designer cat collars and fancy smancy ceiling fans. WTF? All I want is a small part for my engine that YOU built and you say its "Too Old" ?????Come on.................. Opppssssss ranting again sorry......
  16. We too are arriving the 27th, but are riding back to Atlanta the 3rd...............................
  17. On my 01, theres a rubber flap just at the front of the motor, punched a whole and just used the keyring that was attached.
  18. We're riding down Wed. 27th. As of right now, theres myself and da wife on my RSV, Redbeard on a Kaw Drifter and Bob on a new Kaw. Possibly another on a RK, but he hasn't confirmed yet. We're staying in Altamonte Springs. Gonna take 75 unless the weather breaks then we might hit the back roads. Gona ride back Mon. 3rd. If thats in your timeframe, love to have ya join us!
  19. yeah, Eck was telling me about it when he came to the house to sync my carbs. Would love to make it, but its the weekend I have duty and theres a motocross in the Ga. Dome, I'll have to work that night too. We're leaving the following Wed. morning for Daytona for Bike Week, so inbetween I'll be tightening up the bike and getting the t-bags packed. We'll make one for sure this spring!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think the only other trip we have planned is Salsibury for the Horse Smoke Out in June. Thinking of Thunder on the beach in PC in May, but I'll wait till we get back from Daytona. Ride safe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. Brad, just for FYI, when HD (Northwestern University)came down and put on our motor officer course, they do a demonstration of how a headlight modulator(wigwag) does wipe out certain front flashing blue lights. As anyone knows, the first thing you will see on an approaching police vehicle are the wig wags. The HD insructors demonstrate this at various distances with both regular and LED lights and after a few hundred yards, its the wigwags, not the blues that you see first. Just food for tought......................
  21. Morning Brad, there is some debate on weather to modulate the high or low beam. I perfer the high, but there is a percentaage of folks that think modulaing the high beam distracts drivers and they won't see turn signals, etc. But at least if they see me, thats the first step? I have sen some discussion on it. Ride safe!
  22. Wellllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll, as it turns out............................When I had the dash off to run the wires, when putting everything together again, there was this small plug, looked like a fiber cable? Hmmmmmmmm what'd that do? Soooooo I tucked it neatly under the dash, out of the way(in the dark). Sooooooo, I go undo the dash, grab that little fiber cable, put it out into the light, and viola! modulation!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sooo that little cable is the light sensor that ensures the modulation only occurs during daylight.............................. Lessons learned. LOL Thanks for the reply though Eck, again, your johnny on the spot! Bike ran good today, gonna plug the ais on my next oil change as you told me and also replace the clutch springs right after getting back from Daytona! Wish we could make the M&E the 23rd...........
  23. Errghhh.............. Recently hardwired my GPS to the battery. Spliced the wires into the pigtail from the battery the feeds my Battery tender so I can unplug it whn not being used. I have also taken the wires off the bottom of my Rivco air horn to clean and make sure they had contact. This morning, bike won't start? Possibly????????????????????? left the key on in acc. mode, not sure, but thats all I can think of. Now, after a few minutes on the battery tender, starts but now my headlight modulator is out. Headlight works on both high and low but no modulation? WTF? Could I have moved a wire from it? I have NO idea as to where the modulator is or how its wired(Prevous owner installed) Anyone have any idea where to start?
  24. Thanks all for the info, be one more project to finish before bike week!!!!
  25. And yet another Thank you to Larry for a bracket also! I am not familiar with the Steble horn, ? is it as loud as the rivcos?(corse they don't work LOL) but when they did, they really got your attention? Anyone ever compare them?
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