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Everything posted by pick

  1. pick

    Hey all!

    Hey all, it’s been awhile, back online and paid, hope all are well, be posting more soon. Ride safe my friends...... Pick
  2. Ok, 07 Midnight, left front running light is out. Flasher works but will not for front marker???? Yamaha wants $9.85 for one? Really? It’s a Stanley P4392, has three nubs??????? Took an 1157,ground the bottom nub off and it works, but don’t like the idea of only one of the nubs holding it in. Anyone know where to get a bulb for less than $10bucks???????
  3. Just wanna say I love this group! Been a member for quite awhile, not very active, but the friends I have made and the info I get is priceless. Today just special kudos to Goose, Freebird, Eck and Sleeperhawk, have had a pretty bad gas leak and was thinking pulling the carbs outta my league, but after talking to a few and reading Goose and Freebirds write ups, I decided to tackle it on my own, got it all apart, found one carb to be leaking, replaced the needle, seat and float gasket, adjusted the float height, put it all back tighter and it actually Runs! Take her out for the first test ride tomorrow and then hopefully on to Biketoberfest in two weeks! thanks y’all!!!!!!!! Pick
  4. Ok, thats kinda what I thought, just simply put em back in the way they came out Thanks
  5. Doing the PCW clutch upgrade and Venture Rider instructions say to make sure clutch plates installed in same manner as removing? Says single notch at 11 o'clock and double notch at 5? When I took off my cover, single notch was at 1 O'clock, double at 7 ? Is this an issue? I had no problems before other than a minor slippage?
  6. pick


    Gotta give some kudos to PCW Racing.....my 07 Midnight clutch is slipping, ordered the clutch spring upgrade kit. When I got the invoice, I went and put it in my maintenance manual that I keep and I found my invoice from May, 2008 when I ordered the same kit for my 2001......... The prices are exactly the same! NO price increase in 8 years, that's pretty awesome! The only increase was shipping, UPS's prices went up.......😕 Thanks John from PCW!
  7. Hey all, 2007 Midnight Venture, 29k, clutch is slipping, I did an upgrade with PCW on my 01 years ago, and it was fine, is that still the best option?
  8. pick

    EBC Brake Pads

    Wow, D2moto, $9.30 a pair for sintered, free shipping.............
  9. Gotta replace rear pads on 07 Midnight, cheepest I can find EBC 123 is Powersport, $28.22, is there a member that also sells brake pads?
  10. Just got home from Daytona, we went to the speedway yesterday and checked out all the new bikes. Of course, Yamaha had no Venture, so disappointed, but a friend of mine is looking to swap out his older HD for a new tourer. Since no new Yamaha, we went by Kawasaki and looked at the new Voyager. I have to admit, I liked the 6 speed, fuel injection and anti lock brakes. Anyone have any firsthand knowledge of the New Voyager? Also, the older gentleman who always had his bike there couldn't make it, getting old, but the rep did mention that he is at a bit over 330k miles on that bike!!!!!
  11. Just used a bit on the inside to the trunk lid for the closer bracket. I also found out that the little screws that attach the saddle bag to the trim and lid work loose often, did a dab of loctite on them too, but again, on the inside of the trunk and saddlebags.
  12. Sorry for the delay, Thanks Goose!!!!! Never saw that! Of course next time I will put a piece of tape over the hinge where the c-clip fell soon as it popped out!!!!! Quick drop of loctite and we're good. Love this forum!
  13. pick


    Got a few ride trips coming up, time for some new tires. Who's running the best deals on Avons?
  14. My 07 venture trunk lid, both screws fell out that attach the latch to the left side. I can get to the top one with nom problem, but the bottom one is completely covered up by the closer? How do you move the flat bar out of the way so you can get to both screws?
  15. Goose, forgive the ignorance, how/where do I check that vacumn?
  16. You mean the actual color of the paper inside the pastic boxes?
  17. Thanks all, geez' I have absolutely no idea if I have K&N filters???????? I know I had them off to clean the filters, I will have to recheck. I consistently run seafoam, bike seems to be getting normal mileage, 35-42 depending on load and "habits". Lol. I really don't like the sound of the Bubs, so when it warms back up down here in the sunny south,l I think I will swap out the mufflers first. Do another carb sync, check carb heaters. My fear is that the bike sat on a showroom floor for several years without being run and there is crap in the jets? This is not something I can just live with, so this might go on for a bit!!!! Lol, thanks for all the ideas!!!!!!!!!!!!! This forum is still the best!...........oh, and not to get off topic, but hey Eck, maybe an upcoming road trip???? Redbeard and I could renew our vows?????????????? Whatcha think Sleeperhawk??????? Roflmao!
  18. Hey all, after totaling my 01, replaced it with an 07 Midnight that was bought "New" off the showroom in 10. I know the owner, he did no mods other than aftermarket mufflers "Bubs" I bought it from him with 7k on it. Having trouble with what I can only call a "flat spot"? Bike will start fine, idle ok, but from idle and a hard acceleration, if stalls for a bit before really catching my 01 never did this? Hard acceleration at 40 and no issues, it is only from a low speed. I run seafoam regularly. Carb sync is spot on, and other than that, the bike runs great. Any ideas? Can the add on mufflers effect the low end acceleration? I would gladly go back to stock mufflers if that is the case? Thanks!!!!!!
  19. Will be there Wed. -Sun. 12-16
  20. Wow, I have been wondering about upgrading, just was waiting to hear about any bugs. I don't use th at application, but was wondering if I would lose any functionally? Thanks for the heads up
  21. pick

    Tank Adhesive

    Thanks all, just didn't wanna mess up the paint
  22. 07 Midnight Venture. The two "rubber" trim strips that cover the flange around both sides of the tank has come loose. Will any automotive adhesive work?
  23. Eck, as usual, you're a true friend! I have a rectifier I can use till Yamaha gets mine in next week, but thanks for the offer of the GW!!!! Red beard took the one off his 99 and let me use that one until I can get a new one. He cannot go to Bikeweek so all is good. Hope things ate good with you and Konnie and hopefully we'll all get together for a ride soon!!! Thank care my friend! Chris
  24. Ok, an update to my post so after determining that we had no open circuits and correct ac voltage coming from the stator, I borrowed a good R/R from a friend and installed it. Plugged it in, started the bike and voltage at the battery was 13.9-14.1 so looks as if it was the RR. Unplugged the replacement and installed my old one and it read 13.89?????? WTH? Well, we watched it for about five minutes and as soon as the RR warmed up, it just shut down and voltage dropped to 12.4. So apparently, the old RR is bad, as soon as it gets warm, it shuts down. Gonna order a new RR, just got to find the best deal and thanks to all who helped walk me through my ever challenged self! This forum is still the best!
  25. Well, here is some of what I found out. I have a very cheap digital meter, so these numbers might not be quite so accurate. Battery is testing at 12.9 running, I get 12.3 I pulled the plug on the R/R and tested voltage, got 12.9, same as battery. My olms were at about .5 maybe but at a much higher temp than the 68 called for in manual. AC volts on all three at idle was 19, 58 at about 2k and 118 at a higher rev. All three were consistent in the readings. Tested saw no definite shorts. With he correct AC current coming out of the stator, I am leaning on the RR being bad? Does this make sense?
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