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Personal Information

  • Name
    Cody Gillis


  • Location
    Brunswick, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    1986 venture royale
  1. Hi all, Just wanted to let you know I reflowed the solder joints on the connector to fix the e4 but when I got deeper into it and examined all the solder joints on the board under a microscope just about every one of them was cracked. I reflowed every joint on the board and have not had an issue with it since. I was still getting E4 after the connector fix which prompted me to check the entire board. Happy riding
  2. Hi All, Well I've had my '86 venture (land yacht) for about 2 weeks now and am loving every minute of it. Question I have is I've seen pictures of ventures with rider floorboards vice the standard pegs yet I've looked online and can't find them to purchase anywhere. Anyone have any ideas? It's just not fair that the wife gets floorboards and I don't.
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