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Everything posted by Gambler

  1. Ok he deserved that, Now the big head Gambler:nanner:
  2. You sure its from the front, mine squeeks from the rear Gambler
  3. This is great news, even better when he gets back on home turf, keep up the good work Bob Gambler
  4. Glad everyone is OK, hope the rebuild is quick, so U guys can get back to normal Gambler
  5. Thats great news Gary, Just make sure the reception hall is large enough ( 5700 + ) venturerider members. Gambler:rotfl:
  6. Was this an invitation to show up at the new house for Christmas Dinner ( of course with presents ) Gambler:rotfl:
  7. I just got back from a road trip down south, I just found out about Big Bob, I also met Bob in Kitchener, Have a speedy recovery my friend, Thank You for all the updates, Please keep us all in the loop Gambler
  8. Somebodys thinking out side of the box. Gambler
  9. My wife is into sewing & quilting . Tour some local stores Gambler:banana:
  10. So sorry for your loss ,you will be in our prayers Gambler
  11. Thanks Peg & Big , I will be doing ajustments soon Gambler:banana:
  12. Big Boy How did U get to the caps on the pilot screws, Can U ajust the screws with the carbs still in the bike Thanks Gambler
  13. Aseguier Have U put pads from First Gen on back of 2nd Gen, How many miles U got on them Gambler
  14. Glad U & the wife are Ok , Like others have said paint plastics parts will fixer right up Gambler:15_8_211[1]:
  15. How many miles on the beast Gambler:15_8_211[1]:
  16. Glad U R home & had a great time Gambler
  17. Earl you just made my day . Its beeuutiful Gambler:15_8_211[1]:
  18. Thanks for the link Brian Gambler:banana:
  19. Yes but under the legal bylaws set in the club constitution, you have admitted guilt & have been found guilty, Please no cheques , Cash only Gambler:nanner:
  20. Hey Yammer Dan, that 5 Dollar rule mean anyone that drops their bike must pay everyone in the group 5 bucks. Gee one drop could cost about $ 27000 . Show me the money Gambler:rotfl::rotfl:
  21. Well Nathan You now have a big problem , Who goes to the 09 rally, Here are suggestions, Kids U have a year to prove you can keep your rooms clean , laundry done dinner cooked & on the table, bike washed & waxed, Oh whats that Baxter, you finnished weeding the garden & are having problems starting the lawnmower. Atta boy Baxter, your sister better pull up her socks or she isnt going next year. Tell me how it goes, now just sit back & relax & see who brings dad that cold beer Gambler:rotfl:
  22. Glad U had a safe trip , I too can relate about kids & texting. Gambler:15_8_211[1]:
  23. Janet Heal quick , You are in our prayers Gambler
  24. Sorry to hear about the scratch, Was the bike covered Gambler
  25. Heal Quick Gambler
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