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Everything posted by Gambler

  1. What Vance said, its a laundry issue Gambler:banana:
  2. I put one on last year,& like the extra space Gambler:15_8_211[1]:
  3. Carl mentioned Darrels situation at our meet & greet on Sat nite , not knowing he had passed that morning. Our prayers on Sat nite can now be focused on Darrels bike being loaded up with luggage for that neverending road trip . Have a safe trip my friend Gambler
  4. Have a great Trip Rick, cruises are great fun , Need anybody to carry the luggage, Fluff the pillows, Supply money for your Gambling habit, Im available Gambler:rotfl:
  5. Depending on size of bolts & nuts, Start with penetrating oil , let sit awhile If they are small, take a hammer & punch & hit bolt in middle a few times If its a nut use hammer & pin Punch & tap around the nut Same goes for bigger ones , hammer the bolt , if you cant reach it, use a bigger punch with the hammer. I think this is the only time where size does matter Gambler:banana:
  6. Does this mean the party is canceled Gambler:15_8_211[1]:
  7. Now for the insurance claim, U know that little kid down the street the one that U hate the parents real bad , Go tell them he threw a rock at your SUV & because of your superior driving skills the kid missed your bike & broke the window Get a duplicate repair bill , One for insurance company, One for kids parents. Parents pay bill , then invite all ventureriders to your house for a party Just set a date & we will be there. Gambler:rotfl:
  8. Brad U cant use words like that , how about we call him Old Dude or better yet ,Put it to a Vote on Saturday Night what to call him Gambler:15_8_211[1]:
  9. Glad U won the award, Isnt it nice to have Great Friends Gambler:15_8_211[1]:
  10. Well Carl that just shows you how good a friend Gary is . your the chosen One. Wait a minuite ,Gary went to Mexico & didnt tell me, Did he fly , I could have carried his bags , I could have brought him drinks on the beach, Or did he take the motorhome, I could have loaded all the luggage & driven all the way to Mexico while Gary watched movies & drank beer in the back. Please get me out of this Cold weather. Best Wishes Gary & Friend Gambler:15_8_211[1]:
  11. Sent U an Email , Did U get it Gambler:15_8_211[1]:
  12. Wild Hogs, If U dont laugh your not normal Gambler:15_8_211[1]:
  13. Some of the guys are on the right track , Its marking its spot so it is in the transformation stage of its life. Sorry Dave , its turning into a harly, Take it out back of the garage & shoot it ,then by yourself a 2nd Gen.:rotfl: Gambler:15_8_211[1]:
  14. Does this mean Christmas dinner is at Swifty's house. Thanks Dave, What time are the neighbours serving them there rum balls Thanks Gambler:banana:
  15. Heal quick, I can only guess whats on the Xmas list. Gambler:15_8_211[1]:
  16. Well Lady R , Canadian hugs R the best hugs in the world. What do U think:bighug::bighug::bighug: Gambler
  17. Good Luck Lady R , I hope it works out in your favour Gambler
  18. Gambler

    Plug wires

    Reiny Received your email about size, & cant believe I am going to make U this offer, I have a roll of hypalon 7MM spark plug wire that I will send a piece to U with NO strings attached. What do U think good buddy Gambler:rotfl::D:witch_brew:
  19. Gary congrats For Matt. I hear Yamaha needs design help for the new venture, is he any good at clutch basket whine, & drive assy noises. If he gets a job Uncle Gambler wants a new venture. Signed your Favorite Uncle Gambler PS ( Gary this makes us brothers ):rotfl:
  20. Best of luck Lou, your new bike looks Grand ( I now it was that deep dark black colour that lured you to the other side) Gambler
  21. Better watch out Rick , Owl has a great aim & Manitoba isnt that Far Gambler:rotfl::rotfl:
  22. Great news Don, were all pulling for ya. Gambler:banana::banana:
  23. :banana:Nice Picys , glad everyone had a great time Gambler
  24. Don Glad to see things changeing for the better, We are thinking about U & family up here in Canada. Best of Luck Gambler:15_8_211[1]:
  25. Congrats on the new position, Does this mean we can only visit on weekends or can we use your bed ( cause your not there ) during the week (LOL ):rotfl: Gambler
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