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Everything posted by Gambler

  1. Dont go Gary , its a kidnapping plot in the makeing,they get you down there, then they take the passport & you cant come home to all the snow & ice & crappy weather we have all winter. RETHINKING, Gary go south , Give them the passport & tell them your staying, This will give me more people to visit when I get down there Gambler:banana:
  2. Heal Quick my friend Gambler
  3. Thanks for keeping us in the loop Bob, & tell Alice we are thinking about her & the family. Gambler
  4. Glad Your back on the road Gambler:15_8_211[1]:
  5. Glad its just bumps & bruises, hope the insurance company treats you well, Dont forget Mini Maid in the settlement, because I cant picture Phil in the kitchen wearing an apron doing the dishes Gambler
  6. OMG I cant believe it. I just emailed the Canadian Border Agency with a copy of that nude photo. they have agreed to close the border if you get within 25 miles of any Canadian Border Gambler:witch_brew::no-no-no:
  7. Thanks for the great Pics Gambler:Venture:
  8. You go Girl, Your on your way To anywhere U want to go Gambler
  9. Thanks for the great pictures Gambler
  10. Nice to see U healing up real quick there young feller, back on the bike in no time, but I think ball season is over for this year Gambler
  11. I am in total shock , Laura & I will pray for Alice & Family Gambler
  12. Great pictures, wish we could have gone , oldest daughter just got married, just couldnt swing it this year Gambler:15_8_211[1]:
  13. Thoughts & Prayers being sent for a quick & speedy recovery Gambler
  14. Hang in there Buddy , you will get through this, & remember we are one big family , if you need anything let us know Gambler
  15. Thinking about ya , Heal Quick Gambler
  16. Thats Great News Gambler
  17. Starting a search now, Everybody named Fisher , that drives a propane truck in Ohio Wont be long before the 2010 Venture Police show at your door. Should be in custody tonight. Gambler:rotfl::rotfl:
  18. She's smilin & thats a good sign Gambler
  19. Thats great , See U both at the next one. Gambler
  20. See Ya Tommorow Bob Gambler
  21. Well Rooster, I decided you can still ride with us , but U must ride in the back & 2 paces to the left. Gambler:rotfl:
  22. Best of luck with New Blue, He cant ride more than 5 miles because of them there flooding rivers, right Rick Gambler:15_8_211[1]:
  23. I hope U get it back together for Carls Gambler:15_8_211[1]:
  24. Did U make any carb ajustments in the pilot circuit Gambler:15_8_211[1]:
  25. Gotta watch those casino people Gambler:15_8_211[1]:
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