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About tibadoe

  • Birthday June 13

Personal Information

  • Name


  • Location
    Gladys, VA, United States


  • City
    Gladys, VA


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
    Riding, Camping, Beach, and of course motorcycles.
  • Bike Year and Model
    2009 Silverado S & 2009 Ultra Classic
  1. Blue not Red
  2. I would say.....no.
  3. No problem getting to the site. Didn't try this morning.
  4. Not getting a 13v reading after a load test. The 13v readings are just the voltage reading. I was just responding to this: "As for the 12.9v number, that is an ideal number that would be very difficult to find on a battery that had a few months and miles on it. Most new batteries I've seen will get up to 12.8 or so, and that's about as far as they go."
  5. I found this thread interesting so I thought I would post my results. I am also a firm believer that when I purchase a new battery its best to give a full charge before use. Hard to say how long it sat on the shelf or warehouse. I also keep my batteries on smart tenders that charge/maintain/desulfate. Each battery is load tested two or three times a year. I have three batteries that I test on a regular basis. One tractor and two motorcycles. These are my findings: All three batteries are reading just over 13v's. Battery one is 4 yrs old and was not on tender for 3 days. (I was in a hurry and forgot to plug in when I put it back in garage - storm was coming) Reading was 13.02v Origional battery lasted eight years before a internal short. Battery two is 3 yrs old and for the test I kept off tender for 24 hrs. Reading was 13.45v Battery three is 1.5 yrs old and was on tender. I disconnected and turned on ign with headlights & passing lamps for 1 min. (This should take off surface charge) Reading was 13.08v I figure most will say that my meter is wrong or off. So I used another one and got the same readings with only up to .01 difference. It's a fact that when a battery sits the plates will start for sulfate. Dosen't matter if only for one hour or 24. My theory is if you keep a battery fully topped off it won't sulfate. These are just my results and opinions.
  6. As long as no friction modifiers your ok.
  7. I can't recommend a dino oil since I have been using synthetic oils for the past many years. In my RoadStar I use Mobile1 and HD Syn3 for all three holes in my 09 Ultra Classic. I myself change mine out at 2500 miles due to the heat these air cooled motors generate. I didn't really answer your question tho.
  8. Many years ago a friend wanted to get a motorycle. She was in the same boat and never rode a bike before. I suggested for her to take the riders course but she said not right now. I did a little research, selected a few to choose from, and I offered to take it with her and she agreed. Even with my many years of riding we both took the class and I even learned a thing or two about some of my bad habbits. Ended up being a few friends and family members took the class as a group and had a blast.
  9. Winston-Salem Greensboro Durham Rocky Mount These are not bad locations for pulling in VA folks.
  10. Either the battery, bad cable and/or connection. Check the fuse and relays for moisture. Ethanol no.
  11. Deka on ebay for $79.88 shipped: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Deka-ETX20L-Powersports-AGM-Battery-100-NEW-/280551522974?pt=Other_Vehicle_Parts&hash=item41522c829e&vxp=mtr or Advance Auto has them for $69.99 if you use the "VISA" code: http://shop.advanceautoparts.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/product__16940007-P_40_A%7CGRP60054____
  12. In my area Advance Auto sells the Deka under the MagnaPower label. If you use promo code "VISA" you can get $30 off. Ends up being $70.99. Not bad.
  13. Started when I was 16 with a Honda CB350.
  14. Microsoft Security Essentials - no problems.
  15. tibadoe

    Rc Heli's

    Been messing around with R/C heli's and Airplanes for many years now along with the Model/High Power Rockets. Fun to say the least.
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