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11 Good


  • Birthday 05/11/1972

Personal Information

  • Name
    Terry Scearce


  • Location
    Reidsville, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    1999 Venture
  1. Did you see the giant too ?
  2. sometimes you really NEED a ride. I'm tempted to put my back tire on the ice & try to simalate one . Better wait to daylight for the neighbors sake.
  3. Good luck to charlene.
  4. :sign yeah that:He got his reserve $4500+$600 in fees . Clear title? If it weren't for the wiring under the seat it would have had a solo seat and probaly would've looked less funny. Only 5,000 miles if you like the look. I would have to go solo if he gave up the $600 fee. Or at least improv a trunk to balance the look.
  5. I think some of the calls could have went either way , but truthfuly no one deserves thanks more than Bret for handing them the win. I can't be the only one to notice no one pointed this out right after the game . Give Bret all the respect & credit he deserves ,but if your calling the game do your job. You call it like you see it ,you know Farvre will admit his own mistakes , but everyone else not mention it on the feild shows a lack of integrity for thier jobs .(I'm not really upset because no one is acusing Bradshaw of being a journalist , but it does seem they would have to all agree not to mention it ,FOX style ) I hope Bret gets the next one & I'm sure few here could root against another old timer . I think the saints & LA probaly needed the win more anyway . I obviously don't have a horse in this race . What a party on Bourbon st. How bout dem Colts:stickpoke:
  6. devastated
  7. First thing I would try is a larger size glove . Next might be adjusting the lever to sit a little closer to the bars , then you could sqeeze futher out on the lever for more leverage. I have problems with my hands going numb but I think it's poor circulation. It gets worse with gloves especialy if they are tight. It doesn't sound like a problem with the bike but compare it to another just to be sure. Good luck , hope this helps. You may have to get a different set of levers it doesn't look to have much room for adjusting the stock levers and I don't think I would trust trying to reshape them without a back-up .
  8. So cold my snowman is now a snowwoman , yep snowballs fell right off and I had to poke my finger in the rear and yell snake just to find his carrot !
  9. 24 -I don't know my history . Thankfuly it was multiple choice! With my memory I couldn't tell ya wich underware I have on if I weren't sitting in em.Spellin an grammer aint strong suits neither . Note to self , have someone else write resume and or personal ads.Couldn't find the head down in shame smiley.
  10. :2132:nice photos but there ain't no way his feet are going to reach the pegs


    WOW 30 pages on why just in case anyone questioned our comitment to endless "yammering" ( no , pun intended ?)
  12. I rode home from work before the plows ,only a few cars in the ditches. I have a 9yr old son who has two weeks off from school so I couldn't begrudge him . I have to cage it home at 2am without cold weather gear I'm not riding now anyway. I hope to have the ground white for Christmas even if it takes a second coat. It's been a long time coming. Did ya notice I didn't have to use the S word out of respect for the year round riders?
  13. Thanks for the comments. It makes sense when I read it , but I know what I meant. I may try with some stainless steel , but I would like it to blend in with the trunk. Maybe if I make it work with steel someone can help if I move on to fiberglass . Maybe just mild steel and a rattlecan paintjob for the first attempt.
  14. Unlike most who think it can't happen to them , I already know when it does happen I'll wish I was going slower. You can't have an 800lb bike to learn on and not expect to get whats coming to ya.I aways wear full gear and the preacher who sold me the bike said a prayer for me and his old scoot . Made it through the first riding season and am knocking on wood. I will get a Butler brake mod asap and start practicing emg. stops. If you ever get too cocky watch youtube deerstrikes and ask youself if you could have avoided it and you knew it was coming.I hope I'm able to post after my crash , but I'm in no rush.
  15. I own a large dog who will sometimes escape a go for a run before he will return. If he were to get hit I know it is my fault .Local law officials use to incourage stopping and finding the owner but has changed over the years due to incidents after the fact. Not everyone can see reason at a time of grief. I would want to be told if someone hit my dog but could not blame them if not . I've been told for the safety of the rider that changeing speeds ,solwing down and then speeding back up , to make it harder to time is the best defense. In the end I am glad you are OK .As a dog lover I think it is important to let there be a clear line that it was a dog , sad yes, but had you made a wild attempt to avoid the result could have been tragic.
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