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Everything posted by VTirelli

  1. Ugh Brad, sorryabout that. Glad everyone is relatively OK.
  2. Actually, my wife and daughter put alot of thought into my Christmas gift and it's one of the nicest I ever got. I was wondering why she started asking about my football past since I'm a BIG NY Giants fan (no comments please). I played semi pro ball back in the days, actually got a scholarship to U of Colorado, but got hurt in summer training so I got dumped. Sam actually got me a custom made football jersey with my old number on it. Must have cost her a small fortune because they don't make those maroon and gold color combinations anymore. I have to be careful because I don't want to wear this out and I see how hard it was for her to get.
  3. Friend had a dog named Useless..............I kinda like Gizmo My parents had a Yorkie..got him for my kid brother and sister on Christmas so they named him Jingles..........hated that name LOL
  4. Just wanted to say from our home to all of you, a safe and Merry Christmas. At a time when everything is so commercialized, I always try to remember what is important to us, whether it is the religious significance, family or quiet reflection, I ask that we take a moment to remember those if us are going through difficult times and ask for a moment for them. I have grown to care very deeply for everyone on this wonderful place and consider each of you family. So, most of all on this day I wish you all peace.
  5. Might be a bit of a trip for me so I guess I'll have to go to the one in NYC on the 18th.
  6. Merry Christmas to you Eileen and Dylan. Sam and I are grateful for the people we can honestly call friends, no matter how far apart we are. Ironically, a bunch of them are on this site. Hope you have a Happy and Peaceful day.
  7. We will be having my parents and in-laws over and my son, his fiance and her parents here. We started having Christmas here about 6 years ago and it works well for us as our parents are getting older and it's easier on them. Christmas eve,we'll be bopping around visiting friends. Then it's back to work on the 26th
  8. Guess I should be happy its a balmy 25 degrees up here. Happy Holidays to you my friend
  9. Well, those of you who know how I feel about Sam's stupid horse figure the LAST thing I would get is something for him right?? Well, after her little health scare, and hearing how she wanted a jumping saddle.......guess what she got to pick out.............yeah yeah........I'm an idiot..............sheeeesh
  10. LOL I needed that
  11. As has been said before, the trial may still not happen. Dates are set to keep the case moving. Many times, once all the suppression motions are denied, they start really asking for a plea. You guys are always in my thoughts. Anything you need, just ask.
  12. Great...........more nightmares............thanks
  13. I can't wait to see it in Jan when the show comes to NY. That will make up my mind which way I'm going when it's time to replace mine.
  14. Glad things are going your way Gary........but...........on a negative note................................... YOU'RE TAN!?!??! IN DECEMBER?!?!?!?!! I might just be not liking you a little bit right now.............
  15. Hey........at least he didn't get caught transporting a hooker across state lines like ours was.
  16. Gotta admit, yellow is not my favorite color on a bike, but THAT looks great!! Nice job
  17. Jim, hope all goes well with your surgery. Sometimes good comes from bad things.
  18. Welcome back boss...we missed ya.........honest.........we did..........really
  19. I suppose if I can convince sam not to sell my trailer we might be able to bring some down......but I don't think she wants to open them again LOL
  20. :bowdown:We amended our reservations.
  21. They are a great place, on our first MD I (won't blame my wife but uhhhhhh....) left my fave denim jacket in the closet when we left. Called them the next day when we realized it was gone. They UPSd it to me and refused to take anything. I'm a firm believer in supporting good service and I will stay there every time I go. Its a nice place to stay too BTW.
  22. I don't know how you guys come down through to Don's but I'm leaving from the other end of NY, maybe we can hook up for at least a part of the trip. We'll see...........
  23. In NY, its only a construction zone if workers are present. Also, I'm pretty sure that these would be the MAXIMUM fines for offenses, but the judges probably get some leeway in setting them, depending on the circumstances, past driving history etc. As for more serious fines for causing fatalities for cyclists, I have to disagree, as I disagree with the AMA. I believe that anyone who negligently or recklessly causes an accident where ANYONE is killed or seriously injured should face severe consequences.
  24. Thanks for the write up Lou, I test drove an Ultra last year and noticed the same things about the handling. Very nimble on the Ultra,the heat was also much more noticable on the Ultra. My main complaint about the Ultra was leg room, I'm 6'3" and I felt very confined on the Ultra. The RSV has the most leg room out of every dresser I've ever tried, and I think I've tried most of them. Not planning on giving up the 05 any time soon, but depending on how much I like the new Voyager and what they do with the 2010 RSV, my mind is not set that I'll be getting another RSV. I've actually been looking at the HD RoadGlide and it seems to have the leg room I need sonce it doesn't have lower fairings. But in cooler or wet weather, I can always get the leather lowers. Of course no matter what I decide, you guys are stuck with me.
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