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Everything posted by VTirelli

  1. I've read alot about Sheriff Joe and agree with what he does. Unfortunately, it won't EVER happen in NY. Partly because of the ACLU, but also because most of our politicians have family members in the jails so they won't allow their family members to be treated like that.
  2. Thanks for reminding me Scott...got mine inspected today. Only one shop in my town does MC inspections, and the guy is about 5 feet tall so the ride is out LOL
  3. Wasn't on yesterday so I just read this.....GREAT NEWS!!
  4. Working........working and working.
  5. Sorry about the incident, Glad to hear you weren't hurt more seriously.
  6. Not a fan of the wing look. My wife has already TOLD me that when the time comes for the 05 to go, it's probably gonna be an Ultra Classic. Not sure when that will be, but I don't know if I'll want to keep 2 bikes in the stable.
  7. Most people who put risers in get longer cables. Not sure where from but I'm sure someone will pipe in.
  8. I know in some states the Driver's ID number was their SSN. As far as I'm aware of, it changed not long after 9/11. In NY, the only time we might ask SSN is to verify a warrant, but our dispatchers are (usually) smart enough to do it over the Nextel or over the in car computer.
  9. Do you know what an acre is going for around where you live? Yeah.......out here.an acre is about $200,000
  10. Sorry it didn't work out boss......but at least you caught it earlybefore bigger problems come out. And if ANYONE complains about the site being slow or not working to their liking, send them to me.............I'LL learn 'em.
  11. Thanks for the update JT, we'll keep thinking the good thoughts and prayers
  12. I have a TomTomOne and just mounted it today. I used the 3 inch arm and it holds it very nicely.
  13. VTirelli


    I usually make a day trip up there, but not sure if it's going to happen this year. Depends on when my group is going up.
  14. Thanks for the update JT, we're still thinking of ya's. Hoppe she fights her way through this.
  15. I just got the final word from work and unfortunately the word is NO. We have 8 guys on my PD out on long term disability. One is retiring in June and one guy just handed in his resignation. Losing ten people in a 50 people Police Department just before our busiest time is going to be crippling. I'm glad they haven't started cancelling vacations or Maintenance Day would be in jeopardy for us too. Overtime will be crazy this year and getting any more time off is not going to be happening. I'm really disappointed because I love that area and was planning on visiting Niagara Falls again for the first time since we got engaged there 6 years ago. Sorry to all those who have worked so hard at it, but we WILL be coming up there eventually.
  16. Congrats you 2 !!
  17. ok, I don't know if everyone else has this but when I look at my screen, it looks all fuzzy.....it wasn't there before.......................oh..............wait a second....................nevermind............I cleaned my screen off and it went away................(heehee)
  18. Police: Motorcyclist flipped bird, popped wheelie, crashed By Associated Press 11:45 AM EDT, May 6, 2008 COPIGUE, N.Y. - A Long Island man who flipped his finger at a police cruiser and then popped a wheelie on his motorcycle is recovering from injuries after crashing. Suffolk County Police said Frank Patti, 26, of West Islip, rode by the police car at a service station in Copiague at 7:30 p.m. Sunday. Police say Patti made an obscene gesture to two officers in the car, popped a wheelie and then sped away. Police gave chase. When the motorcycle turned into a parking lot it crashed into a police car that had joined the chase.Police said Patti was treated for minor injuries at Southside Hospital. He's charged with fleeing police, resisting arrest and several traffic violations.He was being held for arraignment Monday. Police did not know if he had an attorney.
  19. Whatever it costs I'm staying......just tell us what you need Don.
  20. Not a problem, he can contact me if he's interested. Sorry I missed the blessing, with all the work going on around the house, I couldn't get away. Longest ride this year so far has been from the shed to the garage. House is almost done so I can FINALLY get out there.
  21. That reminded me, we won't be bringing the trailer this year (unless someone from the site is willing to buy it) so we won't be bringing the lift adapter either.
  22. Heck, I booked our room the day Don set the date and checked twice to make sure they still had it. Oberlin Inn is a great place, last year, my wife (read - ME) forgot to pack my fave riding jacket that I had hung in the closet to dry after we got caught in the rain. I called them when we got home. They found it, boxed it and shipped it to me and no charge ( I even gave them my credit card # to cover costs). Finding Don's is easy,just follow one of us, we're easy to find, we're the ones parked under the overhang behind the hotel. (I remember go past the cow farm and turn left......easy huh??) We'll be in early Friday PM.
  23. Hang tough JT, you have a ton of prayers from your friends here, give your wife our best and know that we're thinking and praying for you and your family. Vin
  24. Don't think it's him, he wouldn't try to sell it with no guage and warning lights on. LOL
  25. Since last year, I learned how to do quite a few things on the Ventures, so I figure I'll be a little more help in the mechanical area. Nothing on the to do list for me, all I need to do is clean it and change the oil before the trip.
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