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Everything posted by VTirelli

  1. VTirelli


    Doing me 'every once in a while' check in. Haven't had a lot of spare time....Retirement is a real time consumer........I heard from the couple that bought my '05, they've put about 10,000 miles in her since March and are still going strong.....still thinking about if I want to replace her but I'm not so sure....Long Island is such a dangerous place to ride and there are only so many places that you can go on a day ride....I DO have another project (pictured below) - 67 GTO ..something that I've always wanted, an old muscle car.......its keeping me busy but we love it. Also keeping busy with my grandson...he was 6 months old yesterday and is quite the little man (also pictured below)....Hope everyone is doing well....stay warm this winter!! vIN
  2. Love that show.....BTW is anyone near Greene IA? I wanted to see if anyone is familiar with a company I'm buying a car from.
  3. If you get Eastern NY...you can always stay here buddy.....
  4. I just wanted to mention here that we recently had the need for the PGR out here. A 24 yr old Army Lt, Joe Theinert was killed in Afghanistan 2 weeks ago. He lived on Shelter Island, which is a really small community and very close knit...you need a ferry to get to it.. My In Laws live there and we know alot of the people there. The Town really came together and did not allow the family to do ANYTHING except some very personal things....everything got handled. Word got out that some inbred idiots who call themselves a church...(wont mention the name but you know who they are) were going to make an appearance. Well...the PGR came in with 75 bikes and made quite an impression on the community. The initial reaction of some people was to wonder what all these mean looking bikers were doing here...but once they saw them surrounding the service with their flags....they were truly touched. I think alot of people have a new view of scary bikers. God Bless The PGR
  5. Not for nothing,,,, but a while back, I took a nice younger gal (10 years difference) for a 'quick ride' on my bike no strings attached....we ended up doing a 200 mile trip that day....took another ride the following week etc etc....long story short, I married that girl 2 years later.....yep....thats my Sammi!! Good Luck LilBeaver!!
  6. VTirelli


    Actually Don, Sam and I have talked about a road trip in the future. Not really sure in WHAT but I'll let you know. I've been voted in as one of the Chiefs of my Fire Department so that takes up alot of my time....this weekend is actually the weekend of our local Lions Club Strawberry Festival and we have a fire and EMS stand by all weekend...they get 70,000 people out for it. As for what we're replacing the Venture with, thats up in the air.... I'd like to get an old car somewhere down the road so we can take my grandson out driving like my Dad did with me when I was a kid...so the possibility of an old muscle car is definitely there. Retirement rocks....if I knew how good it was, I would have done it long ago...hehehe Below are somepics one of my grandson Sean Vincent ...the other is my son, grandson, Dad and me...4 generations of Tirelli men.......
  7. VTirelli


    Hey everyone, Haven't been on in a dog's age but I was thinking that this was around Maintenance Day time and figured I'd pop on and say Hi. Recent goings on have taken all of my time so I guess I'd fill you in. The bike is sold...a guy named Tim Gary from Madison Wisconsin bought her and he and his wife are enjoying the heck out of her. I believe they're in in California about now. Sam and I became grandparents...my son and his wife had a lil boy in April...pictures to follow later. He's great and they're all doing well. Retirement rocks...gives me time to help take care of my folks who are getting a little older and slower. Anyways....have a GREAT time at Dons...Sam and I always really enjoyed it. I miss coming on here...and even though I no longer have a Venture..I will always consider myself a Venture Rider. Vin
  8. Some of you may have seen my ad in the classifieds for my 05. I have decided to try to sell her before winter sets in so I dont have to worry about winterizing, etc. So if anyone is looking for a very clean, excellently maintained 05 RSV ....shoot me a PM and we'll talk. REASONABLE offers will be considered....remember REASONABLE...
  9. Sam just asked about ya. Now I can tell her....thi king of you often.
  10. Haven't been on here much due to life happening........so I figured I'd fill you guys in. My son got married last week, 9/6 .....unbelievable 5 day ongoing events......whole family got together, which doesn't happen near enough.....kids are in Jamaica now and we can't wait to see them when they get back. I also decided to pull the plug and retire from my job after 24 years. Seems my attitude has changed towards the people I deal with and wasn't really into doing it anymore. I have a new job in the works, something that is totally different from anything I have ever done before so I'm pretty excited. Sept 26th will be my last day. Havent been riding much, samantha and I have just been too busy getting things done here, I've even toyed with the idea of selling the bike but I think I'mgoing to hold onto it for a bit longer and see what pans out. First pic is of son and his Mom Second is the bride and groom ANyway, I still think of you all and hope to be getting on here more often.
  11. 620 miles to Freebirds house...2 years running
  12. My thoughts on this are that if you didn't have the swivel hitch on it, you probably would have gone down when the trailer flipped and probably at a much higher speed than when you finally DID go down. The swivel allowed the trailer to flip.. if there was no swivel, the hitch would have bottomed out and pushed you over. Not sure why the trailer bounced the way it did but I highly doubt that it was related to the swivel. I'm also not sure of the weight in the trailer or the speed you were going....but if the trailer bounced that much, I would assume that it was close to empty. Sorry to hear of your injuries, but my opinion is that the swivel actually prevented something more serious from happening.
  13. eastern most member here..............
  14. Hate to hear this............sending good thoughts your way
  15. Would have loved to take that trip with ya. I'm only 40 min away. I'll put that trip on my To-do list.
  16. We did the Mt Washington thing 2 years ago 2 up on my 05. Trip is interesting until mile 5 of 8, then the pavement stops and its a packed dirt, gravel kinda surface which makes it REALLY interesting. No guardrails and watch for the cages coming the other way. Wife says she will NOT do it again LOL There's usually a 30 plus degree difference betweeen the top and bottom so be dressed accordingly. The Kankamangus is a great ride. we stayed a ways away, at the Lincoln Lodge in Lincoln, nice place but not cheap.
  17. Not sure if its much help, but I'm in NY, near the ferry that runs to New London CT, call me if you need a hand in that area. 631-300-7682
  18. Be Safe Jeff.....sounds like a cross country grand return tour is in order when you ger back.
  19. Glad you got your bike back. You might want to consider Hyper-Lites. Small LED blocks that flash like heck when you hit the brakes. I have mine under my turnk and they have been called obnoxious by people behind me. Of course that hurt my feelings because th elast thing I am is obnoxious LOL:2143:
  20. My wife has the 08 F150.....it IS a sweet truck...she even lets me drive it once in a while.
  21. :crying:There is a room available at the Oberlin Inn Unfortunately, we have just found out that we won't be able to attend this year so we cancelled our room. I am in the process of training several new academy graduates and the Officer who is helping me had to take some emergency leave which leaves me to do it. We were really looking forward to going again this year and we are both heartsick over this. Hope you guys all have a great time and I'll have to give up my cheescake.
  22. Cheesecake?? You make cheesecake? Wow.....I didn't know..............
  23. to be honest folks...with everything going on here, I kinda forgot about this so I haven't even thought about losing weight. But I am more than willing to give whatever it works out to for not meeting the goal. Sorry, but I can only handle one crisis at a time.
  24. Great news guys!! Still thinking of you all often..............
  25. We'll have to give you a proper send off at MD Jeff.....Good Luck over there and watch your butt.
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