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Everything posted by Stoutman

  1. Makes me wonder what Ford and GM will bring to the table. Anyone want to by a Hummer motorcycle?
  2. There is no requirement to carry your registration paper with you in Texas, unless you drive a commercial vehicle. If you have a tag on the back (and front), all they want to see is your license and Proof of Insurance. I've even had the LEO just write down my drivers license number that I recited for him from memory. We keep the same number for lilfe. He still he had to have a piece of paper for the proof of insurance though.
  3. I did the Utah trip last year. Wish I had three weeks to do it. I only had four days on the road. Fill up often. Gas stations can be few and far between. What to avoid: I 70 from Grand Junction to Green River. One of the most un-sightly , windy rides ever. I thought I would wear out the left side of my tires from leaning into the wind, then as you travel along the road goes into a cut in the terrain and the wind is gone like snap, until you come out the other side that is, then its back. Ride with care. Also, if you must take that route time it so you get to Green River before sundown. You do not want to be riding into the sun on that road. Great Salt Lake: Just a big smelly polluted body of water. Don't waste your time. No beaches, Copper smelter dumping arsenic in the water for over 50 years. Way over rated. Out of the way places to see (not in any particular order): Here is a link to the sights I mention below. Others are there as well. http://www.utah.com/byways/ Goblin Valley. It is a small state park that is in the middle of nowwhere but is a must see. Fill up before you go there, and again on your way out. Get there before sundown and make sure you have a camera. It is one wierd place when the shadows get long. The Nebo loop. Beautiful scenic byway just south of American Fork. Bryce Canyon. Unmatched scenery. Some of my shots of Bryce Canyon and the Nebo Loop made the 2008 Venturerider calendar. Nine mile canyon. Some of the oldest rock carvings in the world. The canyon is actually over 70 miles long. Not a smooth road, and lots of dust and traffic from oil and gas exploration though. Good scenery. Sometimes called the Babylon of Utah. Zions National Park in the south. Bear Lake State Park in the North. Pick and chose, and make a date to go back. You can't see this state in only three weeks. Best of luck. Don't worry about the restaurants. You won't find many bad ones except in the tourist traps. Utahn's are notoriously thrifty. A bad restaurant doesn't last long. Look for the local cars (Utah plates are easy to spot) If you like sushi and will be in SLC send me a PM. I know a great little place that is out of the way. Best regards,
  4. Congratulations. I'm jealous. I've got two young ones that are still in college. One at least has a full time summer job. The other one is looking. Tough times out there though. Glad your son found his first. Best of luck to you both.
  5. The EPA changaed the way they estimate gas mileage for 2008 models and above. The new method puts you at average freeway speeds instead of 55 mph. They also assume the use of AC with the new method (in Texas I use it year round). The old method was best case scenario. But, I had an old 1979 Mazda pickup. It was light as a feather, and was naturally aspirated, had no air bag and no anti lock brakes, but got a consistend 27 mpg freeway. My 1986 Mazda 626 would get as high as 40 mpg freeway at 70 mph on I35. It was fuel injected 2 liter 4 banger and weighed 2000 pounds.
  6. Yamaha has a new Gizmo. See linnk below.http://gizmodo.com/assets/images/gallery/4/2008/05/medium_2514440501_dfe779c5a5_o.jpg http://gizmodo.com/392816/yamaha-branded-deux-ex-machina-motorcycle-exoskeleton-a-segway-on-steroids
  7. There are several theories about why prices are so high that have little to do with supply and demand. This article talks about a commodity "bubble", much like the housing bubble: http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/comment/columnists/anatole_kaletsky/article3980797.ece This article has a similar theme, but blames it on the traders buying to cover their short positions. http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601109&sid=amO.EpcDfEls&refer=exclusive This article as a similar theme and says the current prices are not justified: http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601103&sid=aBtudv0GyD3M&refer=news This article is by a Fort Worth, Texas author, explains why the International Commodities Exchange is to blame: http://www.star-telegram.com/ed_wallace/story/659081.html This article blames it on pension funds and soveriegn wealth (International Investors) funds: http://www.businessweek.com/bwdaily/dnflash/content/may2008/db20080520_524455.htm?chan=top+news_top+news+index_dialogue+with+readers The Wall street Journal this morning blamed it on the Fed's easy money policy deflating the dollar. Given all the above it looks less like we're running out of oil, and more like the market can't decide how much it is really worth. So, my observation is: even with prices near $4.00 per gallon Americans have reduced their consumption by less than one percent. Must not hurt as bad as everybody is saying. The ones that feel it in my family are the college students trying to get buy on part time jobs and my generous nature. But even they drive 5 miles to buy a 99 cent burger instead of planning ahead and cooking at home. I don't think we've seen real pain yet. IMHO Hank, where are you buddy? PS. I edited the header to be more precise. I would also add that demand for a commodity as an investment is only indrictly linked to demand for the actual commodity. Demand for commodity futures is only linked to what investors believe will be future demand. In the case of a "bubble" the market turns out to be wrong in retrospect and the bubble bursts, reducing the price, much like the current housing bubble.
  8. From the Avon tire site: Avon Fitments For Yamaha XVZ 1300 Royal Star, Venture, Classic, Tour Deluxe Front Tyres » Venom Size 150/80-16 71H 2.5 bar (36psi) Rear tyres » Venom Size 150/90B15 M/C 80H 2.9 bar (42psi) I run 41 psi in the front and 46 psi in the rear per Yamaha's recommendation to increase tire pressure under high load. These pressures work great for me around town or in the twisties. I went back to the 150 size front tire and I am totally happy with it when combined with the leveling links.
  9. Ditto what Gearhead said. Also, the bikes I've seen with the pressure gauge installed, the pressure is so low at idle that the cheap gauges barely read when the bike is warm. It is a very low pressure system, especially at idle. I like the low level warning light. That way if I mess up and don't put enough oil in, or develop a leak, I get a warning right away, while there is still oil in the pan, not after the pressure drops enough to set off a low pressure indicator. You can always put an oil pressure gauge in though. I think there was at one time a writeup in the tech library about gauges, but that must have been before the great system crash of 2006.
  10. I'll ride first thing every morning, then I'll be firing up the smoker and cooking some brisket to go with my mash potatoes, corn bread, wilted lettuce and green beans. After that I'll be painting the house, fixing Momma's computer, working on my guitar, and maybe go sit in one of them fancy air-conditioned moving picture theatres they got in town and see a picture show.
  11. Appears to be faster to me. I like it.
  12. I switched to sonic springs and 7 weight oil. Venture Guru Rick Butler thought I should have used the 10 weight oil. The shop manual I have states to use 5 weight oil. I don't know if I could tell the difference between 7 and 10 weight oil. Next time I have the front end apart, I'll use 10 weight and see how it feels. I'm happy with my sonic springs and 7 weight oil.
  13. Here's what the RSTD looked like loaded for long miles. I admit it was a bit over done, but you learn something every trip.
  14. I own this bag. I bought it before my trip to Utah last fall. It works great, and fit everything I needed for 9 days on the road. Since the RSTD doesn't have a trunk, I used this instead. Fits onto the luggage rack on behind the passenger backrest and ties down very nicely. (I use the luggage rack that mounts onto the bike fender, not the flimsy one that fits on the removable RSTD back rest.) The bag also has wheels and a strap style handle for dragging it into the motel. The zippers are semi-water tight, and it comes with a rain cover also. This bag is worth the money. My favorite part was having room for some size 14 tennis shoes to put my tired dogs in for the evening, or when I was not traveling. After using this bag I gave up on the idea of fitting a tour pack on the RSTD. If Yamaha updates the Venture I may go that route someday, but this bag gives me the room if I need it.
  15. Cool lookin bomber. I speng 13 years working in that windowless airforce plant. Used to call home to ask the wife what the weather was like. Thanks for posting the pictures.
  16. I can hear it a bit, but mostly when I slip the clutch and ride the rear brake for very slow speed maneuvers. I change my gear lube every 8000 miles and use synthetic GL-5 lube. The lube doesn't get very dark at that change interval, but it does darken a bit. Since I don't have a radio that is not an issue for me. I hear the noise, but only at slow speed, and it gets a bit louder when I slip the clutch and ride the rear brake. Does that make it normal? I can't say, but it is has never been loud enough to alarm me. Hope this helps.
  17. The following is an over simplification, but the basic rule is that chokes pass DC current and block AC current. The noise you hear is an AC current. The capacitor does just the opposite, it blocks DC current and passes AC current. So putting a capacitor in series with your power will block any power from getting to the radio. Putting it across the power lead will shunt the noise to ground and clean up the power source to give you less noise in the circuit. The basic premise of putting filters on the power is that the noise is getting into your radio through the power. That is not the only way noise can get into the system. It can also be radiated into the system from the iginition circuit, plugs and coil. To tell the difference you listen to the noise at the lower RPMs. If the pitch of the noise is low enough that you can sing along with it, then its source probably the iginition system. If the pitch of the noise is to high for you to sing, then it's source probably the charging circuit. Best of luck.
  18. Avon Venom, or Michelin Commander. Seems to be universal agreement that you DO NOT want to buy the bridgestone, especially for the rear. I hated my stock bridgestone so much I took it off with less than 4000 miles on it. Put on a set of Avon Venom in stock size and love them. Wore those out and I'm working on the second set of Avon Venoms. Best of luck.
  19. The local community college used to ticket people that parked on the cross stripes at the end of a parking row. Then they got a new dean and he told the campus police to make it all motorcycle parking. Even made them put up signs that said motorcycle parking. The only place it is not allowed is in front of the Administration building. Now if you drive a fuel efficient scoot you are treated to the best parking spot on campus.
  20. I can only guess at other people's motivation, but I think people don't list their state because they are embarrased to admit they don't live in The Great State of Texas!
  21. Good point Eck. My buddy had the dealer service his star 1100 and the drain bolt came out while on a ride. When he took it back they refused to replace his rear drive. Now his rear drive whines like a TCU co-ed asking daddy for a new BMW.
  22. We're on the same page. Only I think a bigger motor would be about third or fourth on my list of improvements. Lighter weight, antilock brakes, better lights, better electronics, but keep the same price. I'm all for improvements, I just don't think most of them are worth the extra money. I might trade up for some of the above, except that I just barely got this bike broke in and customized to my liking. Maybe when my warranty is up in 2010.
  23. Now if they could just make it look like a motorcycle.
  24. Buddy Hacket used to tell a joke like this. The robber walks into the bank and said: This is a F#-up!" The teller responds: "Don't you mean stickup?" Robber: "No, I mean F#-up, I forgot my gun!"
  25. Take off the saddle bag, it is only 4 bolts, and this lets you clean everything. You can do it on the side stand. Buy good oil. Then do it about 2000 miles ago and every 8000 miles after that.
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