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About Sherman

  • Birthday 03/18/1978

Personal Information

  • Name
    Heather Carmichael


  • Location
    Cut~n~Shoot, TX, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States
  1. All moved in and unpacked now. We are happy out here in the middle of no where. Gotta thank mom and for all the help moving and making sure we had what we needed. They finished the house off today by getting the bed for the "guest room" or the stepsons room. Lol now thats thats done and I power washed the outside we can start getting rid of the weeds. Thanks again Sweetnothing and Squid...
  2. I am in for 2 please.
  3. Very sad news. He was a great man!! You will be missed Daddy Don. Prayers for your family.
  4. UPDATE Blackie has found a new home with someone that lives in my apartments and is doing well... She is now known as Scarlet and comes over for play dates with my girls!!
  5. Here are more pictures now that they are getting used to the place and us....
  6. They did good. The pups are adjusting very well and getting potty trained. I gave them they're shots Saturday and they are ready for they're new home. They have been to hell now they are learning what heven is like. They have people that love them and care about them. Now to find they're FOREVER HOMES!! And dad can tell me all he wants its my fault but I know better he is just a big softy!!
  7. WOW I miss all the good stuff when I gotta work so much!! I didn't even see the video of the shirts until today!! Hoping to go next year if I can get the time off!!
  8. Happy birthday to you... Happy birthday to you... Happy birthday dear Squidly... Happy birthday to you!! Happy birthday Daddy hope you have a wonderful day!! XOXO:Crazy_139:And many more!!
  9. Prayers sent from Rob and I and I am sure mom and dad (sweetnothing and squidly)
  10. Well daddy you know Rob and I will be there!! Better get lots of grub Rob is coming!!
  11. Thanks again Doodle & Janet The girls, Rob and I had alot of fun to bad I had to go to work after as I really wanted a nap. But thats the way it goes. Can't wait till the next one!!
  12. Awwwwww I am sorry we missed it... Come November if We can get the time off work we will be there. I am glad ya'll had fun. Mom has been telling me about it. Sounds like I missed alot of fun!!
  13. Our thoughts and prayers are with you Dave and Jamie... If there is anything you need please call Rob or myself as we live in Houston now.
  14. Good got you Jeff... I hope you get used to it!!
  15. Good to see you are doing better Dan... We are still praying for you and your family!!
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