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Everything posted by TNrider

  1. The shop that installed the new rotors did not tighten the lug nuts sequentially and at the proper torque. Yes they are now warped. Usually not worth turning even if new.
  2. As an officer with a local chapter of a riding club here in middle TN I can vouch for the rocker problem. Just in my small town we have 2 MCs fighting a turf war. I have friends in both clubs. I choose not to participate in the MC lifestyle and it is a lifestyle, not just being a member. It is truly not worth your life if you are asked to remove your vest for any reason by them. Just show the respect and do it. Another riding club was shut down by them for just having the city name in their round back patch. But it didnt happen without some gun shots and a lot of crap going on. On the same note, if you ever were to run in to some 1%ers, NEVER touch their vest for any reason. That is also a sign of disrespect for the club. I could go on but enough for now.
  3. I will keep watch around the Cookeville area and let the news be known. Thoughts and prayers with ya.
  4. To SC89Venture----- Love the 900 for around town. Nice and nimble in traffic, doesnt weigh much and real low center of gravity.
  5. Got a choice of two alternates. 07 Vulcan 900 or an 09 Vulcan 500 (wife's bike). Save the 09 Venture for the out of town rides.
  6. Building furniture
  7. I also ride on all but snow days but that isnt much since I am in middle Tennessee.
  8. Damn---Powerful stuff.
  9. Harley also sells a wide chrome clamp that fits. Its what I used on mine.
  10. The worst to me is to go into a place of business and have an employee tell me "They Cant Do That". In most cases, yes they can, they just won't do it for one reason or another. Usually asking for their supervisor helps fix things very quickly.
  11. Prayers sent
  12. I also have the same color combo and no problems yet.
  13. Why not just use a SLA suspension much like the older cars had on their front end. Sidecar would lean both directions then in accordance with the bike.
  14. I really think it would depend on what type of "tools" they are. Hand, power etc. After being a mech for over 35 years I found most of mine were worth about 30% of original value.
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