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Everything posted by KB2RWW

  1. Well after receiving a response from the guy i have decided NOT TO GET THE BIKE. I will Pass it on to you all and let you have at him. I found it on EBay #140383792666 with a buy it now $2500. It will not kill me not to get the bike, as others told me there are better bikes down the road. I have not had good luck with EBay-Auto, the last truck i got took 52 day's to get the title do to the seller did not have it in his name when he sold it to me. flea-Bay is ok for parts not the hole nine yards. I will continue searching for the right bike for me.
  2. I have never heard of it but will tell you that at work we use a product called STEEL-IT, you can get it as spray paint or in gallon cans. it is stainless steel in a can with 100% stainless steel pigment. We use it so cover every peace of steel that is not stainless. After watching the video I came to the conclusion that if you were to fallow the video your food would go bad. at the beginning of the video thay tell you that removing the food from the fridge is not necessary but at the end thay tell you to leave the doors open for 2hrs till the pant dries before closing the door.
  3. I have contacted other members about the bike but since it's not really an rsv I may pass on it. the key missing may be do to it was lost with no spare, not having a wind screen may have put the nail in the coffin for me getting the bike. Yes you can get aftermarket for it but I'm still leery about it. I will contact the guy about the gas cap problem and if he can send more recent pictures, i did not notice the date on them before and thank you for pointing them out.
  4. I use the glade plug-in inserts to keep the critters out of the RV, it works like mothballs but smells much better.
  5. I have found a 1996 Royal Star with 14,157 miles for $2500 that needs work. the chrome has some pitting ,nothing bad. Will need front tire, they lost the key so they broke the ignition switch, and it needs a new battery. I have not seen or heard it run and don't want to take a 5hr ride for nothing sow my question is is it worth it? http://i.ebayimg.com/24/!BmHR-v!BGk~$(KGrHqEH-D0EtrQGqcPOBLebCn77RQ~~_12.JPG http://i.ebayimg.com/14/!BmHR6LQBGk~$(KGrHqIH-DYEtqb5TnD)BLebCd(L8!~~_12.JPG http://i.ebayimg.com/16/!BmHRutwBGk~$(KGrHqUH-DcEtvJ5qQ20BLebB+0f6g~~_12.JPG
  6. I to wish to have a copy if possible. KB2RWW@GMAIL.COM
  7. I will not miss the show, Robot-wars & junkyard wars had more entertainment and ill leave it at that. I used to hang out with Jr at the car-club till there show went on the air, then you didn't see him any more, if you did You'd get treated as if your dirt. Sum people forget where they cam from i guss. Last year when i finished my Master-cam certification I had to go to OCC for an interview with seiner and lets just say I have nothing pleasant to say and leave it at that. I will say that there CNC shop is very nicely lade out and if not for sum of the over-sized ego's would not be a bad place to work but I found a better deal being the machinist and tig welder for another factory. as for mickey he is the only one that I know that has not changed, He remembers where he cam from and still treats you the same as before they went big time. I'm glad I live 20 minutes away from there, any closer and I'd have to dig out my cannon and go target practicing with sum of the glass windows i think. as for vinny he's the only one that stuck it out without losing his marbles.
  8. Is this better? [ATTACH]41150[/ATTACH]
  9. Money sent via paypal . Thanks for doing this.
  10. is this what you wear thinking? [ATTACH]41069[/ATTACH]
  11. I seem to recall my plugs on my 84 wear 18mm also, I got the deep-well socket at NAPA and once loos I just used an old straight plug wire off a cage to remove and install.
  12. :clap2: Well dun, Bravo. :clap2:
  13. The beep's could indicate a processor failed. you will need to find out which fan is loud if it is evan the fan, I have had CD/DVD Roms spin up to the point that it was going to explode. Your loud fan could be on the processor, I have had a couple of old Dell's retainer clip that holds the heat-sink and CPU on to the board go bad allowing them to fall off. you want to check and make sure they are on there tite. If it did brake parts are still available.
  14. The brushed stainless would be better for powder coating and it would save on having to sand blast it to get the powder to stick. I HAD one of the harbor freight one's before and they work good. I wound up getting rid of it do to a shop down the road put one in that will let you do an entire truck frame and not charge me to much.
  15. To think if he went to the dark-side and mounted a studded snow tire that would not have happened! I shouldn't throw stones, I all most lost my bike down the driveway when i moved it out of the garage to get my John Deere out.
  16. I have had that problem my self but I'm wondering how it handles sum of the connections. there has bean a couple of times that you must go threw their start page to get to the Internet, if you unplug the connection you would have to start over to get back on. I will check this out, it just mite be what i have bean looking for.
  17. that's pretty neat but Radshak's hear carries no parts just cell-phones. You got questions we got cell-phones:hurts:
  18. Nope he is using both feet to get it going, then he only uses his left foot to keep the momentum. his EBay listing has a lot of different pictures of his contraption.
  19. Thank you for the link Squidley, I have not had problems with my wires but did have with the TCI. I should replace them while I have the bike torn down. the biggest thing to know is do your wiers or cap's have a resister in them and if your bike has them.
  20. Not to push this any further :stickpoke:but I was once told that if it melts back fare Enif that we all would move there and they will have all the garbage they can eat! They are now back in the nut-house safe and sound. Global warming is an issue that I will not get in to with somebody, sum of the excuses for it like cow methane is just not right to me.
  21. Now I have seen it all, this cant make the bike handle good! what do you all think? [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y_kuE4PzMG8]YouTube- HARLEY HONDA SUZUKI BMW KAWASAKI YAMAHA SCOOTER RAT RIDE BOBBER SUPER TRIKE TRAILER KIT[/ame] He's selling them on EBay Item number:140378951927 Yes I know it's a double post but i could not find a way to join them.
  22. Now I have seen it all, this cant make the bike handel good! what do you all think? [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y_kuE4PzMG8]YouTube- HARLEY HONDA SUZUKI BMW KAWASAKI YAMAHA SCOOTER RAT RIDE BOBBER SUPER TRIKE TRAILER KIT[/ame] He's selling them on EBay Item number:140378951927
  23. IF the prototype works well for you, Put me down for one also. Will they all be in stainless or can we get them in steel? I may want to Nickel plat mine. yours will be better to use than for me to draw one up in master-cam and cut it out on the water-jet.
  24. You have to remember now that in order to receive a part of the government's GREEN money your company or product must be X% GREEN. they figure if they appeal to 15% of the granola-eating tree-huggers then they can get even more of that GREEN money. I can be wrong and my post is on the edge but that's my Give me an ICE COLD MOLSON
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