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Everything posted by KB2RWW

  1. I have owned many dog's but the bully breed has ben the best for me. I understand your loss and your fond hatred for the breed do to the loss, but if your dog kills someone else's beloved animal or baby would you also condemn that breed also? As for your comment in the letter about dog's dragging tiers and blocks, I believe you may be miss understanding of that purpose. I don't fit any of my bully's but do use them to pull carts, wagons and other things hear on the farm. If you do a search for dog weight pulling you will find that the bully breed has ben bred for doing the task among other things. I start my dog's off with them and work there way up to 1000lb the same as i train my horses, I had a bully named buddy that wade 75lbs and could pull 2300lbs and I will miss him. nun of my dog's have gone after the chickens or any other animals OR KIDS but as a responsible owner I do watch them when around kids, ALL kid's older than five have the nature of being cruel to animals and if younger than 5 being curious of there surroundings. No dog enjoys having fingers up there but or teased and tormented by older kid's, there protective response is what gets printed in the paper. As for other animal attacks such as yours I cannot comment on do to not knowing the events leading up to the fatal attack such as your dogs response to another dog in the area. I'm no Cesar millan, but i do know by watching my dog's behavior what can happen next and I can intervene in there response before something bad can happen. just the other day i had my Niece hear for a visit and one of my dog's had enuf of hear roughhousing and wanted to call it quits but she did not understand this and kept chasing him around until he tuned and stood his ground. wen ever she is over thay would play together for up to 5 hrs before they both tier out, but on that day i had him working pulling hay out to the horses and after all that just wanted to be left alone. I don't think he would have bit hear but before it got to that point I took hear over to the horses for the rest of the day. I'm all for the bully breed but the breed is no for everybody. it takes a lot of dedication and training and most people just wont them to say thay have one without understanding what it takes to keep them. I'm all for the 3 strike law and only one of my dogs "buddy" has bit sum-won and that was me on the chin. he used to sleep with us in the bed and one day he was sharing the pillow with me on my laze-boy and from what i understand, I roll over him pinning him to the side of the Chara and was starting to hurt him. his response to get free was to bit me. Let me tell you it definitely woke me up which in turn freed him. I went to the hospital to get fixed up and thay called the authorities which in turn sentenced him to 1 month confined to the home and a mark on his record. I don't blame him for biting me nor should he be condemned for it, he was protecting himself. All dog's are dangerous when trained or used improperly but the biggest problem is people, plan and simple. Gun's and Dog's don't kill people, people kill people, thay just use guns or dogs to do it and I believe should be treated the same. if you use a gun to kill you go to prison or sentenced to death. if you use your dog to kill it is put down and nothing happens to you. I believe if it was treated the same there would be more responsible owners out there. I'm sorry for your loss but don't blame the breed blame the owner.
  2. WOW all that just to change the fuse for the radio. I'm starting to find more and more that to take one cover off that you need, you will have to remove all of them just to do it, it's the new fung shway thing.
  3. I was told third time's a charm, lets hope it never happens.
  4. The bottom line for me about this mess is the long term clean up of this, there still cleaning up the Valdez mess today with no compensation to the people that wear affected "US". It will not mater how many hoops thay have to jump thru to drill or how cheep thay can buy the valves and piping from other countries and hope that thay meet the MINIMUM requirements to use. Remember SAFTY THERD. Hears one for ya, What would we do if no one was drilling there and there was an earthquake that opened up a fisher there and oil started coming out? We'd still have a mes with no one to blame. At least that guy on DIRTY JOBS can retire if he did the clean up.
  5. At one time in the early nineties the Buck-Horn truck-stop hear by me had a all you can eat spaghetti and meat ball dinner for $15. After the 4th plate I was dun, the meat balls thay served with the meal was the size of a soft ball and there was 3 per meal. I managed to get thru half of the fifth plate before I quit which could not count. The record there was 6. I love to eat at places that serve alot of good food and at a reasonable price such as the Golden Corral.
  6. After looking over the CB install guide found a reference to having a noise filter installed on the radiator fan which makes sense since if the fan kicks on at can make a lot of RF noise which the radio will pick up threw the electrical system. That can also be the problem you are having.
  7. It would be hard for me to pinpoint your problem but it is sound like it can be from power-line's or sum types of alarm systems will also trigger the squelch. You don't notice the problem at work do to the hi-voltage and GOOD insulators that aren't airking like you would find out in the urban areas. I don't think we have ben having any big sporadic-E "sun spot cycle" openings to enhance the 11-meter band. It can also be from the BPL "broadband over powerline" http://www.arrl.org/identifying-bpl project's going on all over. We have that problem hear and it's interfering with HF,VHF,UHF radios that emergency services are using. If it's power line interference you can use your AM radio to narrow down the offending pole by listening for the peek static or find a ham-radio operator and thay can help track down the source. You would be surprised how many bad connection's and insulators are out there.
  8. KB2RWW


    WOW 50,000 GBP that's $76,430 USD I guess I wont find that under my tree next year.
  9. Big-Tom I'll have the picture's up soon. the site wont let me up-load them. All my picture's are taken in RAW-JPEG and is a large file size. I have to go thru each one and modify it to fit the parameters for the up-load.
  10. Hay Big Tom, My GPS told me to take the third right to go home and i did, Just got home "10:30pm" I will post the photos when i get up out of bed Monday. It was great meeting you all and cant wait for the next ride.
  11. I have the E2's on my 84 and thay are grate but soon I have to change them. I'm thinking E3's but I'm not sure of their tread pattern? I do a lot of riding and the E2's work good in the rain but the E3's don't look like thay work well in the rain. Have you had any problems with handling when it's wet? I hat to spend the money on something that wont work.
  12. One Bell ordered and money sent. Thanks Don!
  13. Just gassed up the bike and stopped at the yamasteler for a new riding outfit. I will be leaving 3Am and should be there 20 minutes early to grab breakfast. If the bike's willing I'll be there, It should be a good trip.
  14. The only problem I see with that is Wall-Mart only cares imported items, I have not found anything that thay sell that was made in the USA. I think there should be one more added to the list. (2.5) If you don't have the money in your pocket you cant have it. there will be no more credit cards or lones. It will be up to the seller whether or not to grant you the use of I.O.U.'s, this last part was left in for the farmers and the store's wear thay get there feed and supplies. (2.6) If you have more than 3 acres of tillable land you are required to grow food to sustain your self and others around you, If you have more than 10+ acres you are to do the first part and raise live-stock. there will be NO ZONIONG RESTRICTIONS against this and all is subject to FFA, USDA & DEC regulations. "DEC has full authority on this to keep balance of the ecosystem" I can go on and on but than I would be band from string up the pot.
  15. Hey Tom I'll try to be there. I will have to leave at 3AM to get to either spot to join up with you all. I will clean the dust off and check the oil and tiers, in other words get the bike out of the shed. I will let you know by friday night or saterday morning If I can go. It's ben a while since the sun has chased me west.
  16. leaving the oil out also will make it whine. If he was a member I'm shore that it would have ben brought up hear at sum point.
  17. and her new puppy....you jest right??......:whistling:I'm gonna need a vacation when she's back to normal.. I'm not complaining, its just the maid outfit she makes me wear...PINK is not my color and those heals.... Yes Tom hot-Pink is not your color. [ATTACH]42831[/ATTACH] It's good to hear that all is starting to go well.
  18. OK it's time for my . First let me say that LCD's will only operate at specific temperature ranges. If to cold thay will look like there not on and can brake and if to hot will go totally black and brake also. I have repaired many 2-way radios with bad displays do to the temperature thay operate in. your station changing can also be contributed to temperature change. The VCO or oscillator's frequency can change with temperature changes. most oscillators have a built in heater for stabilisation of frequency but thay will only help to a point. if the out side temperature is to cold the internal heater cant keep up trying to stabilize the internal temperature of the device cosing the frequency to drift. I have this problem with my microwave communications equipment on my truck. I keep my local oscillator at 112 degrees fahrenheit to maintain frequency and during the winter i have to keep it inside the cab of the truck to keep the outside of the units temperature above 45. having it out side of the truck the internal heaters cant keep up with the heat loss and the frequency starts to drift big time. Keep in mind battery voltage is also affected by temperature also. voltage and temperature can have a big effect on your radio. when i have problems with temperature i ether add fans or blankets to keep it's temperature stable enough to hold frequency. I hope this helps you with your problem and why you cant duplicate it in the garage.
  19. that looks real good, If I had to do it I may have made it to replace the cover than cover the cover is that makes seance.
  20. Yes is there anything in the works for the MKI 1984's? is there a difference in the clutches between the MKI and MKII's besides the CC of the motors? My clutch is not slipping yet or that is to say i don't feel it yet and want a kit on hand for when it will.
  21. wow that was grate, I wonder if thay have had accidents with all them lights? there definitely a attention getter. Hum I got 2000 LEDs not doing anything maybe ill make a BIG sing that seas "can you see me now!" but I'm shore the powers that be wont allow it, maybe that's why thay don't run the add hear in the stats.
  22. keeping it local is OK if the locals would have what i need but thay don't. Growing up on a farm we almost never went in-to town. if it was broken we fixed it with what we had on hand and if it cant be fixed it then became parts to fix other things. If we needed a new harvester for the crops the nearest dealer was over 100 mils away and didn't have what we needed so we built it from scratch. if the world lost all thes fancy electronic gadgets most people would not know how to survive. I'm glad I was brought up this way in not relying on other's. only a couple of the business left in town that are still in operation do to there Internet sales. the rest of them moved south wear it's cheaper to operate tan hear in NY, They just came up with a new tax for beverages such as watter,coffee,soda,tea. it's a money thing i guise?
  23. I have trials by me that are like that with plenty of room at the top. I have never bean on it with a motor bike but have ridden it many time's on a pedal pusher. having a M&E would only bring out the dirt bikes and a couple of 4X4's but would be interesting.
  24. KB2RWW

    CB Radio

    having no antenna hooked up would give you 100 to 350' range, the dealer will sell a range booster/antenna to get you past the 5 mile range. It's interesting that thay would not use a PL-259 for the CB antenna connector.
  25. I may just get another fir a spear.
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