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Everything posted by KB2RWW

  1. I have what seams to be the same problem with my 1999 RSV. Light coming on for a while but it’s not boiling over. Changed flued and burped air thinking it’s the problem. Fan is working. Thinking it’s ether time to check valve clearance due to never been performed since I got the bike, change thermostat, pull and test sensor or see if water pump impeller has gone bad.
  2. it's ben sum time since I've posted or ben to an event. hopefully this year will be different. I do miss taking that nice ride upstate to see friends and other members. Will there be any group rides coming up this year?
  3. hopefully things will be fully open soon and I hope to make it to this event if it's a GO......
  4. Thank you djh3, that was what i was thinking about doing "using the mounting bolt for the reflector". NY requires that it be visibly from the left front side and on a permanent part of the bike like the fork.
  5. for thous of you like me hear in NY, where do you put the state inspection sticker? I know hear in NY they like to stick them to your fork on the left side but theirs no place that i can see for it + i don't want to dirty up the fork.
  6. So i took it out for my first real spin today and it's not as loud as i thought but need to get more time in the saddle with it. I did notice pop'n and backfiring once and a while when i was out. "probably needs a tun up" other tan that I was in heaven during the ride, You second gen riders have bean keeping this a dirty little secret. "lol it's safe with me" I'm now official spoiled and never want to go back and ride my first gen again. Now the next question is how do you move the back rest foreword? I only see adjustment for up/down. need to move it forward 2" to properly support me.
  7. During my lunch break at work the other day I was surfing the net and found these really nice 1999 second gen at a reasonable price with 77000 miles on it. I contacted the seller and couldn't believe it was still for sale, so I took and drive yesterday and well you know the rest. Now the fun starts, I'll be asking you all for help/information. The first is the exhaust. I think it's too loud. It has the Harley street glide slip-on exhaust on it right now and i do have the original to put back on. I'm used to a little loud with a deep Rumble like my 84 has with its aftermarket pipes. The question is what do you all run on yours.
  8. As most of you know I go to great lengths to ride, I have even been known to ride in a snowstorm or two for a meet and eat. with today's technology anyone can ride all year long, It's personal preference that limits riding.
  9. I have not been on in quite a while here on the site but today I was pleased to see other riders like me that are involved electronics. I love the build and discussion that is going on here and can offer my services to anyone needing boards assembled and tested. further more After looking over the code and schematics that I believe it can be moved to a single board application using smaller discrete components and processor. It's possible to get this down to the size of a flip phone excluding the sensors and tubing. willing to help any way I can. looking forward to a great riding year this year.
  10. me and Ashley had a great time with all my WNY friends and all those that attended. each year I see this rally gets better & better, we cannot wait to see all of you next year.
  11. you can always order them from http://www.precisionshims.com.au/?stg=1
  12. If it will work on my 1984 XVZ12 then i'll take one if they're still available.
  13. KB2RWW

    84 Venture

    I have been looking at going to the dark side with my 84 also. I have found on TireRack that there is a Bridgestone Tracompa-2 145/80-16 that has a load index and speed rating of 105/M "2039 Lb / 81 Mph" and it's not cheap $159 My tire was a 140/90-16 with a 25.92" in diameter and 5.51 inches wide. the Tracompa 145/80-16 is 25.13" in diameter and 5.70 inches wide. After reading about another member running these Temporary/Compact Spare Tires I just may go to the junk yard and look for one, after all there new and in good shape most of the time. Just got back in from the bike shed and I measured the old tire that is on it now and came up with 5.88" wide and was almost touching the A-frame. the Tracompa 145/80-16 tire may or may not fit. "Leaning towards not fitting" A 135/90-16 will fit like the Bridgestone Tracompa-2 $152 or Continental CST 17 $99. they both have the same ratings of 1874 Lb / 81 Mph with a 25.56" diameter and 5.31 inches wide.
  14. OK, Tom, I'm in. Yes I'm going this year...
  15. I may want to hier him! My drive way oddly enough has the same pitch but with a 30' landing at the top befor starting the garage.
  16. I may have to bow-out, Irene may want to tag along for the ride and you may not want that.:rotf:
  17. Need a helmet? 2011 Motorcycle Helmets cops hate I never cease to marvel at the Free Enterprise System. When a product reaches the point where it's nearly impossible to improve its functionality, someone will still come up with a way to make people want to ditch their old one and get yours.
  18. Being new to the venture club I don't know what the Cody 2011 is all about? My last recall of Wyoming was when i was doing bronc riding wen i was younger. Can you fill me in on what go's on at this get together? From all your description's i may be able to draw up sum ideas to enter into the contest. looking forward to the replies.
  19. My 1984 did the same thing, would crank but no spark. I found that I had no power going into the TCI. I had power at the plug but not inside the TCI. I found the terminals wear corroded from a bad battery that had leaked all over them. after cleaning up the connections on the TCI and plug I had to repair the prong that supplied power into the TCI and all was well again. I would check the connections on the TCI real good, You may have the same problem I did.
  20. the cover looks like it's off a 50cc moped but if it works that's grate.
  21. It sounds like a perfect opportunity to put another dog in danger just to go down the road and taunt the other dogs and hope thay cum in the road just to exact your revenge and unload your gun.
  22. I agree to that comment and is why I brought it up. I would gladly go to prison or DETH it my bully did that. I got my first bully as a rescue dog, His owner was not taking care of them when thay wear born and was taken by the SPCA and sent out for adoption, that's when i got him at 6 weeks old. As for biting me, well I'm a big man and I'm sure I was hurting him and if it wear any other bread the same would have happened to me. I was in the wrong for allowing them to be in that situation. You haven't ben watching the news lately in Florida and Alabama, They seem to be having a surge of deaths related to pet pythons and boas getting loos.
  23. Looks promising but will have to wait till the 18Th to find out whether or not if i can go. I will mark my calendar just in case.
  24. I felt it hear in ulster NY, all my wind chimes in the house wear moving around along with all my plants.
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