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Everything posted by mrod

  1. I didn't see the Tour DeLuxe at all in the 2010 Line up!
  2. Substitute mother pushing a baby carriage for motorcyclist and try to defend it as"He was doing his job.":soapbox: A human life is a human life.
  3. Shoe Shine Paperboy Gas Station Attendant/Mechanic's Apprentice Musician Fork Lift Mechanic Alternator/Starter Rebuilding Lot Boy Automotive Parts Counter/Manager Auto Mechanic Auto Parts and Service Director Musician Writer Taxi Driver/Yard Supervisor Auto Parts Counter Auto Service Writer
  4. That thing makes the Victory atrocity look good...
  5. Corbin makes a good saddle (after an azz numbing break in), but their customer service absolutely sux! For what they charge for their saddles, you can buy another stock saddle and have it modified to fit you.
  6. "I love the smell of burning rubber.....it's the smell of victory":hihi:
  7. Sorry to hear about your tumble, but glad to know that you both had adequate gear on. Be sure to let the insurance company know about the gear you lost, in many instances it will be covered too. You might consider letting the insurance company also handle the tow, as that is part of the coverage you pay for. Heal well,heal soon both of you, and remember, be careful out there!
  8. From a ride on Sunday the26th of October. Three of us on our Tour De Luxes headed out through the Dragon, over to Maggie Valley and back through Smoky Mountains National Park by way of the Blue Ridge Parkway. In Maggie Valley we went to Wheels Trough Time, a great little museum!
  9. Something less than sporting when you start calling people you don't know a jackass, that's all.
  10. We saw the bike and it's rider yesterday on the way back from having Wheeler's put a pair of Avons on the Buick. The bike was toast, there were two LEOs there and the rider was on the opposite side of the road shaking his head and commiserating with a riding buddy. Hey GunnyButch, get some fiber in your diet!
  11. Eastern Tennessee
  12. Give me a buzz when you go. These are in my back yard and I'd like to join you on them, if that's o.k. with you.
  13. Well stated. This should be posted as a sticky in the sign up area. Thanx for the great site to share!
  14. Clicky on linky.... http://www.booger-hill.com/ Great roads and scenery. Be careful can be very challenging! enjoy! mrod.
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